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Ontario Budget 2024 replenishes existing funds and innovation centers and allocates funding for medical technology procurement

Ontario Budget 2024 replenishes existing funds and innovation centers and allocates funding for medical technology procurement


The state hinted that the OSC is developing new rules to support angel investors.

The Ontario government's latest annual budget, while sparse in new innovation funding, included some notable new initiatives for the province's technology sector.

Ontario has pursued a variety of innovation-related policies in recent years, with only a passing mention of technology in its budget. The 2024 budget proposal, which was tabled on March 26 amidst the continuing difficult economic situation, included further similar content. Ontario expects slower growth, inflation and higher interest rates to hurt the economy this year, delaying balancing the budget until 2026 and prioritizing investments in infrastructure and health care.

Innovators understand that there are competing priorities and different challenges. [Ontario] is navigating.

This came as no surprise to the Canadian Council of Innovators (CCI), which represents technology scale-ups across the country. CCI President Benjamin Bergen said in a statement that the Ontario government has been an ally of innovators in recent years, advancing meaningful policies around intellectual property, data governance, labor market regulation and procurement reform.

Innovators understand there are competing priorities and different challenges that the Ontario government is working on, and they did not expect 2024 to be an innovation-focused budget, Bergen said. added.

On the technology and innovation front, the Ontario Conservative government announced several initiatives, including an additional C$100 million to the Ontario Investment Fund (IOF), plans to create a new health tech procurement fund, and new capital commitments for Ontario regions. He shared some noteworthy items. Innovation Center (RIC) and Advanced Research Computing, news that the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) is developing rules to support angel investor groups.

Ontario reveals plans to allocate an additional $100 million to IOF, created in 2020 to attract foreign investment and help companies expand in the province, prioritizing companies in advanced manufacturing, life sciences and technology did. This investment is in addition to his $100 million pledged in 2023, bringing the size of IOF to $600 million.

The state also outlined plans to create a $12 million Health Technology Acceleration Fund to help health care providers purchase and use promising new technologies to improve patient care. The Ontario government says the fund will accelerate the exploration and implementation of health tech solutions and give innovators in the sector, including Ontario companies, more opportunities to partner with healthcare companies.

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While the new fund probably won't make headlines, it could be a promising avenue for Ontario medical technology companies to sell innovative products and services to the province's health system, said Skydra, CCI's Ontario director. Puoziusunas said in a statement. This is the kind of mechanism innovators have been looking for, and we hope this new program will become a model for more funding and better government procurement as it gains a foothold.

The province also shared plans to invest an additional $1 million annually in Ontario's RIC and create a new RIC in Barrie. He has also allocated an additional $18 million over the next three years to support the continued operation and maintenance of Ontario's Advanced Research Computing System.

The government will also commit $5 million to explore the use of digital twins to deliver public infrastructure projects, as well as Critical Minerals Innovation to fund activities such as technology and technology research, development and commercialization. He pledged to pay an additional $5 million a year to the fund. , processes and solutions for the critical minerals sector.

Ontario also noted that the OSC is working on developing rules to support angel investor groups and expand their potential sources of funding by adopting a self-certifying prospectus exemption. To help smaller companies secure funding, the OSC also intends to expand the participation of investment dealers in prospectus offerings.

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Mark Lawrence, interim executive chair of Angel Investors Ontario (AIO), welcomed the move as positive news for the local angel investing ecosystem on LinkedIn. Lawrence's comments come at a time when AIO's own long-term future is uncertain, with federal funding drying up and AIO seeking new support from the province of Ontario.

Government procurement has been a priority for CCI for some time. Bergen noted that Ontario has been a national leader in innovation reform with the creation of Supply Ontario and implementation of the Building Ontario Business Initiative. He said CCI expects an update on these measures in 2024, but will continue to work with Ontario on these fronts.

Whether it's advanced research computing facilities or experimenting with digital twins for public infrastructure, domestic procurement from Ontario technology companies throughout this budget can improve government services while also driving real economic benefits. Examples are being seen, Puoziusunas said.

Featured image courtesy of Pixabay.Photo by Jermaine Will




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