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GESKE German beauty tech debuts first-ever star-studded global campaign

GESKE German beauty tech debuts first-ever star-studded global campaign


This global campaign features top celebrities and influencers from around the world, including Nina Dobrev, Megan Fox, Charli D'Amelio, Toni Garrn, and Aida Domenech.

BERLIN, April 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — GESKE German Beauty Tech, a new global beauty tech brand that combines German engineering, proven skin care expertise and AI technology, launches its first global celebrity and influencer campaign We will announce the development of GESKE German Beauty Tech's campaign features top celebrities and influencers from around the world, along with social media partners including Nina Dobrev, Megan Fox, Charli D'Amelio, Toni Garn, Aida Domenech and more.

GESKE German Beauty Tech offers a wide range of accessible, state-of-the-art technology devices that deliver effective results, with the goal of inspiring daily rituals and skin care habits that lead to long-term results. The brand harnesses the power of Her AI to help users choose a personalized skin care routine for their skin's needs through its free Her AI-driven app.

Developed, tested and approved by German dermatologists, the GESKE German Beauty Tech device takes your skin care routine to a new level. Using the device in conjunction with skin care products improves the absorption of active ingredients and reverses the effects of the aging process and environmental influences.

GESKE German Beauty Tech will be part of the first company to partner with global sensation Cast to share the brand's portfolio of innovative skin care devices on social media. The goal of this campaign is to increase brand awareness and emphasize that high-quality skin care is affordable.

“At GESKE German Beauty Tech, we are committed to making skin care accessible to everyone, and to fill the void we saw in the market alongside effective and affordable home skin tech, We were inspired to develop a user-centric, technologically advanced device: the power of AI,” says Ekaterina Sjörne, Brand Director at GESKE German Beauty Tech. “The celebrity and influencer partners selected for our global campaign reach a unique and diverse audience, in line with our brand ethos of making his GESKE German Beauty Tech accessible to people around the world. They were strategically chosen with this in mind, considering the reach of each partner.”

GESKE German Beauty Tech is also the most awarded beauty technology brand, winning the Consumer Electric Show (CES) Innovation Award, the ELLE Future of Beauty Award, and the Red Dot Design Award in multiple categories including Massage Equipment and Face. He has won over 90 awards, including: Cleansing equipment and beauty equipment.

At the forefront of beauty innovation and German beauty, GESKE German Beauty Tech offers over 150 specialty products designed to target every consumer's unique skin care concerns, including impurities, fine lines, texture, and dark circles. We have developed the technology. The GESKE German Beauty Tech device is intended for people over the age of 14 who want to upgrade his at-home skin care routine. This collection is suitable for all skin types and the average price of all products is $49.95.

Products are available on and retail stores worldwide in 11 attractive color variations. The range of multifunctional skin care devices features the best professional treatments such as microneedling, LED light therapy, and home microdermabrasion, and is also used by celebrities including:

Sonic Facial Roller | 4 in 1 ($39.95): Equipped with GESKE German Beauty Tech's exclusive SmartSonic Pulsations technology, it delivers 14,000 sonic vibrations per minute to remove puffiness from your vision and firm your skin for a toned look. To do. Sonic Thermo Facial Brush | 6 in 1 ($49.95): Removes up to 99.5% of dirt, oil, and makeup residue with technology that deeply cleanses, lifts, and smoothes skin for a rejuvenated glow. remove things. Developed for daily deep cleansing and safe for all skin types. Sonic Warm & Cool Mask | 9 in 1 ($59.95): Warming and cooling combined with LED light technology allows the skin to absorb the active ingredients in skin care products at a deeper level, in the most efficient way. It can improve your skin. Microneedle Face & Body Roller | 8 in 1 ($49.95): After just a few microneedling sessions, the device's cell stimulation system acts as a signal to promote the skin's own collagen production, rejuvenate the skin itself, and It becomes harder and smoother in the process. Warm & Cool Eye Energizer | 6 in 1 ($59.95): An efficient all-in-one solution that reduces puffiness, tired eyes, dry eyes, dark circles, fine lines, and eye bags with massage, heating, and cooling technology.

Join the conversation using the hashtag #GESKE, share your new spring skincare routine with the stars of GESKE German Beauty Tech, and follow on Instagram.

About GESKE German Beauty Tech GESKE German Beauty Tech is the first comprehensive, innovative and most awarded with over 90 awards, debuting in 2023 with the goal of advancing the personal beauty and skin care industry. A beauty tech company. Combining consumer technology products and dermatologist insights, we enable you to reimagine your skin. GESKE German Beauty Tech brings efficiency and precision to German beauty through science-backed technology, ergonomic design and the power of AI. The result is a range of multi-functional skin care devices that enable a deeper level of personalization to the user's preferences at an affordable price. The average price of the device is $49.95. We are redefining the industry with the first comprehensive skin care solution and his award-winning GESKE beauty app for a completely customized experience. With over 250 products and over 150 special proprietary technologies currently available in 131 countries, his GESKE offers everyone an accessible and professional solution for at-home skin care sessions with SmartAppGuided I am.

View original content to download multimedia: global-campaign-302111093.html

SOURCE GESKE German Beauty Technology




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