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Confused about Google's new Find My Device network? 7 things you need to know

Confused about Google's new Find My Device network? 7 things you need to know


It took a while, but Google has released the long-awaited upgrade to its Find My Device network. This may come as a surprise. The update was originally announced for May 2023, but was quickly delayed, giving rise to an apparent release date. Then, out of nowhere, Google decided to release the software on April 8th without much fanfare. As a result, you may feel lost, but we are here to help you find your way.

Here's a list of the seven most important things to know about the Find My Device update. Since not everything works and there's more work to do, we'll also explain what's new in the update and which devices are compatible with your network.

1. This is a major upgrade to Google's old Find My Device network

(Image source: Google)

Previous networks were very limited in what they could do. It was only able to detect the odd Android smartphone or Wear OS smartwatch. However, Find My Device can now eavesdrop on other devices, so that limitation is no longer there. Most notable is the Bluetooth location tracker.

Additionally, the software can discover your gadget as long as it's within Bluetooth range, so you don't need to be connected to the Internet or have location services turned on. However, Find My Device doesn't tell you exactly where your device is. Instead, your approximate location will be displayed on an on-screen map. Ultimately, you'll have to do the homework yourself.

Find My Device works similarly to Apple's Find My network, meaning that “your location data is end-to-end encrypted” and no one, not even Google, can snoop.

2. Google was waiting for Apple to add support to iPhone

(Image credit: Future)

This update was scheduled to be released in July 2023, but had to be delayed due to Apple. Google is concerned about unwanted location trackers and has asked Apple to introduce “similar protections to iOS.” Unfortunately, iPhone manufacturers have decided to drag their feet in terms of adding unknown tracker alerts to their iPhone devices.

The wait may soon be over, as the iOS 17.5 beta includes a line of code that hints that iPhones will soon have such anti-stalking protection. iOS devices may soon encourage users to disable unnecessary Bluetooth trackers that aren't certified on Apple's Find My network. It's unclear when this feature will be rolled out, as enabling the beta feature doesn't actually do anything.

Given the presence of unwanted location tracking software in iOS 17.5, Apple's release may be imminent. Apple may have given Google permission to roll out the “Find My Device” upgrade ahead of time in preparation for the launch of its own software.

3. Expand globally

(Image credit: Future)

Google says the new Find My Device will roll out to all Android devices worldwide, starting in the US and Canada. A company representative said other countries would receive the same update in the coming months, although they could not provide an exact date.

Android devices must meet several requirements to support networking. Fortunately, they are not so strict. All you need is a smartphone running Android 9 with Bluetooth capabilities.

If you have a Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro, you get a special feature: the ability to find your phone over the network, even when your phone is turned off. A Google representative said these models have special hardware that can power the Bluetooth chip when it's turned off. Google is working with other manufacturers to bring this feature to other premium Android devices.

4. You'll receive unnecessary tracker alerts

(Image source: Apple)

Apple AirTags are meant to be attached to frequently lost items, such as house keys or luggage, to make them easier to find. Unfortunately, some bad eggs have taken advantage of them as a cheap way to sneak up on their targets. Google will eventually update Android by providing users with a way to detect their unwanted AirTags.

For nearly a year, the OS was only able to find AirTags, but with an upgrade, Android smartphones can now find Bluetooth trackers from other third-party brands like Tile, Chipolo, and Pebblebee. This is the most important feature in the update to ensure your privacy and safety.

You will never know who placed the tracker on you. Only the owner can see that information, according to a post on the company's security blog.

5. Chipolo and Pebblebee will release new trackers soon

(Image source: Chipolo)

Speaking of Chipolo and Pebblebee, both brands have announced new products that take full advantage of their revamped networks. A Google representative confirmed that it is “compatible with unknown tracker alerts across Android and iOS.”

On May 27th, we will be introducing the Chipolo ONE Point item tracker and Chipolo CARD Point wallet finder. You can use the Find My Device app to locate connected items. The pair also has a speaker that makes loud noises to let you know where you are. Additionally, Chipolo's products have long battery life, and Chipolo says the CARD finder can last up to two years on a single charge.

Pebblebee accomplishes something similar with tags, cards, and clip trackers. Small and lightweight, it can be attached to large items. Plus, this trio all come with loud buzzers for easy spotting. These three are currently available for pre-order, but no shipping date has been disclosed.

6. Works well with Nest products

(Image source: Google)

If you're a smart home user, you can connect the Find My Device app to your Google Nest device to find lost items. While the network tries to find the missing item, an on-screen animation will display a series of images showing all the Nest hardware in your home. Please note that this technology does not provide exact location.

A short video from the official announcement shows that a message will appear telling you where it was last seen, when it was seen, and if there was another smart home device next to it. Next to the text is an option to refresh if you don't see your lost item.

Below the message you'll see a set of tools to help you find it. You can play sound from your tracker's speakers, share your device, or mark it as lost.

7. Headphones are also invited to the tracking party

(Image credit: Gerald Lynch/TechRadar/Future)

Believe it or not, some insidious people are using earphones and headphones to stalk people. To address this, Google has equipped Find My Device with a way to detect a select number of earbuds. The list of supported hardware is not that long, as you can only find three specific models. JBL Tour Pro 2, JBL Tour One M2, and his high-end Sony WH-1000XM5. Apple AirPods are not included in the list, but support for them may be rolled out later.

As you can see, it's a very extensive list, but it's important to know. Everything works together to keep you safe.

Check out TechRadar's list of the best Android smartphones of 2024.

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