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Japan Festival Boston: A celebration of culture and community | Arts

Japan Festival Boston: A celebration of culture and community |  Arts


In historic Boston Common, on a beautiful spring weekend, the decadent smell of Japanese street food, upbeat music, and exuberant chatter permeate the air. Flags and banners flutter in the warm breeze, causing cherry blossom petals to flutter. Rows of bustling vendors and workshops line the greenery, while a sea of ​​enthusiastic visitors participate in the cultural activities, delights and conversations of the 11th Japan Festival Boston 2024 on April 27-28.

For the first time in five years, Japan Festival Boston returned to Boston with a bigger crowd and more energy than ever, filling the Common with 23 food stalls, 18 cultural venues, 18 art and entertainment booths. crafts and various other educational groups and businesses.

Upon entering the Common, lines of eager visitors wait patiently in front of the food vendors, selling a wide range of classic dishes such as takoyaki, gyoza, okonomiyaki, ramen and matcha, to name a few -uns. Despite the long waits, people engage in lively interactions with each other and try, many for the first time, authentic dishes from Japan. Filled with the smell of mouth-watering dishes, the Common transforms into a Japanese market, transporting visitors to the center of Japanese culinary culture.

Many participate in collaborative art activities by coming together and leaving their own marks on the wooden sculptures. Captivating live performances on the center stage feature Japanese imperial music, traditional bon odori dance, Eisa folk dances and kimono fashion, among others, imbuing the space with lively traditional music and energetic vocals. In the workshops, visitors discover a mix of traditional and contemporary activities, from tea ceremonies to flower arranging to cosplay. Visitors, volunteers and performers strolled around the festival in traditional Japanese costume and subculture fashion, savoring the vibrant celebration of Japanese culture.

The festival unites Boston's Japanese community with traditional Japanese culture, featuring local and international bands. According to Ara L. Mahar, public relations and social media manager, food vendors and artists are coming from Japan for the festival in Boston, including Hiroko Watanabe and Dagashiya Rock, and local communities, such as Jeiko and Odaiko New England . Creating a mix of local Japanese bands and unique experiences that visitors typically can't find outside of Japan, the festival connects communities that already exist and brings everyone together, according to Mahar.

The festival was established in 2012 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the arrival of Japanese sakura cherry blossoms in Washington, DC. From just 3,500 visitors in its first year, the festival has grown significantly to welcome over 70,000 people in recent years. , quickly outgrowing its initial locations at Copley Square and the Government Center. Now located on Boston Common, the festival welcomes a much broader range of vendors and visitors, while still attracting the attention of passersby and inviting them in. This year, for the first time in five years, the festival returns to Boston with an even bigger turnout.

The founders' mission is to celebrate the culture of the Japanese community and beyond.

We want to continue for 100 years, said former President Etsuko Yashiro, because our grandsons and granddaughters should have the chance to experience our culture.

The festival seeks to introduce Japanese culture to the greater Boston community, creating a welcoming and open atmosphere for all to experience the rich history and traditions.

The festival seeks to introduce Japanese culture to the greater Boston community, creating a welcoming and open atmosphere for all to experience the rich history and traditions. Courtesy of Leshui (Jade) Xiao

The festival also seeks to introduce Japanese culture to the greater Boston community, creating a welcoming and open atmosphere for all to experience the rich history and traditions. For Yashiro, the festival has the power to create community and give back to the world.

If we connect with each other, we can facilitate peace, Yashiro said.

The festival also connects with Boston's vibrant youth and student communities. This year, the festival created a student team to encourage greater student involvement, as volunteers or visitors. From advertising the event at their respective universities to working on-site at the booths, the students' energy really shines at the festival, according to student leader Miyuka Mamizu.

Connecting people from across the city and beyond, Japan Festival Boston is a superb annual celebration of Japanese culture. Through food, workshops, and performances, it truly showcases Boston's strong Japanese community and diversity.




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