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Google AI updates aim to transform business operations, demonstrating ambition beyond task automation

Google AI updates aim to transform business operations, demonstrating ambition beyond task automation


Google AI updates aim to transform business operations, demonstrating ambition beyond task automation

Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG)(NASDAQ: GOOGL) kicked off its annual Google Cloud Next conference on Tuesday, April 9 in Las Vegas. Google uses its ongoing conference, which brings together more than 30,000 visionaries and global industry leaders, to reveal how Google Cloud is putting generative AI at the heart of its services, aiming to revolutionize how businesses operate. I have clearly declared that. Unsurprisingly, Google has shown that its ambitions for enterprise AI products go beyond streamlining tasks, as Google CEO Sundar Pichai said. These AI-powered advances enable businesses to do things today that weren't possible before.

Google just stepped up its competition with Microsoft in the AI ​​race.

Google's AI announcements signal a clear intent to compete with established AI powerhouses OpenAI and Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT).

Announcements of AI-powered tools focused on B2B companies.

In June, Google Vids will become part of the Google Workspace app, revolutionizing AI-powered video creation. AI-powered work video creation apps allow businesses to create short videos using text prompts. This is extremely useful for employee training videos, customer testimonials, marketing efforts, etc. As of June, Google is bringing the magic of real-time collaboration to video, which is becoming increasingly important in B2B markets and communication strategies. This immersive storytelling promises to accelerate the transition to more efficient and personalized business practices.

The second announcement concerns the revealed Imagen 2. Building on the success of his image generation model released in 2022, Google is now pushing the boundaries of generative AI by creating short video clips, so-called snippets, from text descriptions.

story continues

Google also catered to developers with Code Assist, a long-awaited response to Microsoft and its GitHub Copilot tool. Google helps developers not only write code, but also analyze their existing codebase and optimize their code structure using easy-to-understand instructions in English, reducing development time and making coding easier. We are committed to streamlining the process. Simply put, it gives developers more time to focus on solving complex problems.

Google also announced the integration of AI capabilities into its core cloud infrastructure products. This starts with security and databases. Google's Gemini AI assistant is integrated with database products.

Google Cloud strengthens partnership with Mercedes-Benz

Google Cloud also expands strategic partnership with Mercedes-BenzGroup AG (OTC: MBGAF)(OTC: MBGYY) to help automakers transform key customer experiences using AI and generative AI technologies It was also announced.

Mercedes plans to power its online storefront with cutting-edge e-commerce features and new Google-quality search and recommendation features, as well as an AI-powered smart sales assistant.

Mercedes-Benz also plans to expand its use of Google Cloud AI to further improve its call center experience. Employ AI and generative AI tools like Vertex AI and Google's Gemini model to make your marketing efforts more personalized and relevant to customers around the world. For six months, Mercedes has been using Google Cloud's conversational AI technology, Dialogflow, to process his more than 1 million calls at its US center. We also leveraged Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform to maximize the value of the customer data we collected while managing the data in BigQuery, Google Cloud's data warehousing platform. Mercedes-Benz also uses AI to enhance its website experience in the U.S. with more personalized content as a result of improved audience segmentation. Therefore, the latest news is just the next step and evolution of this strategic partnership.

Unlike Microsoft, Google was a latecomer in the AI ​​cloud battle. But Google on April 9 talked about the AI ​​weapons it intends to take on the likes of Microsoft in a new era. Without a doubt, and not slowly, AI is becoming essential for businesses. How companies leverage AI will ultimately differentiate their products. Google is focused on providing solutions for users who want to do more than just meet the demand for task automation and do more to impact their business. At first glance, the AI ​​wars have only just begun, with the standoff between Google and Microsoft further accelerating the development of this new technology that will rewrite not just the internet, but the world as we know it.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as investment advice.

This article was contributed by an unpaid external contributor. This does not represent Benzinga's reporting and has not been edited for content or accuracy.

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This article aims to revolutionize business operations with updates to Google AI, demonstrating ambitions beyond task automation.

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