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NetApp, Google Cloud Partner for GenAI Hybrid Cloud

NetApp, Google Cloud Partner for GenAI Hybrid Cloud


Currently, we already offer multiple publicly documented tiers of service: Standard, Premium, and Extreme. They offer different throughputs. And they're all supported by ONTAP and NetApps enterprise storage. Flex will launch this as a cloud service operated by Google. Runs on Google's infrastructure. You can also create very small volumes, from 1 gigabyte to 100 terabytes, hence the name Flex, said Eric Han, vice president of product management at NetApps.

NetApp, a leading independent storage and cloud technology developer, on Wednesday announced an expansion of its Google Cloud partnership aimed at helping partners and customers better leverage data for generated AI and other hybrid cloud workloads. Announced.

Announced at this week's Google Cloud Next 24 conference, NetApp and Google Cloud have partnered to develop a new Flex service tier for Google Cloud NetApp Volumes. NetApp also used the event to preview its new GenAI toolkit reference platform for RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) operations on the Google Cloud Vertex AI platform.

“The move with Google Cloud Next 24 is just the latest in a long-term partnership between NetApp and Google,” said Eric Han, vice president of product management at NetApps.

[Related: NetApp, Nvidia Intro New A.I. Architecture With Strong Cloud Tie]

Han told CRN that the company became a Google first-party service last August. And it has grown quite a bit since then. We've seen customers join Google and move to Google who were previously very interested in moving to Google, but weren't able to run certain workloads until NetApp and enterprise storage became available. I'm here. Similar phenomena can be seen in retail, financial services, and healthcare.

Google's first-party service, called Google Cloud NetApp Volumes, will make NetApp cloud storage available to both existing NetApp customers and new storage vendor customers as a Google service that they can operate, run, and experience as Google, Han said. states.

Google Cloud NetApp Volumes supports file shares, file services, and workloads from VMware, and will be expanded with new Flex products in the future, he said.

Today, he said, we already offer multiple publicly documented tiers of service: standard, premium, and extreme. They offer different throughputs. And they are all supported by his ONTAP and NetApps enterprise storage. Flex will launch this as a cloud service operated by Google. Runs on Google's infrastructure. And it offers the ability to create very small volumes, from 1 gigabyte to 100 terabytes, hence the name Flex.

The move will allow customers to choose from four service tiers based on performance and workload type, allowing them to scale and grow as their service grows, Han said. . These include a standard service that provides performance of 16 MB per second. He said it will also expand the range of workloads customers can use on his Google Cloud.

Flex will initially be released in 15 Google regions, but will be rolled out to all Google regions by the end of the year, Han said.

NetApp previewed the GenAI toolkit with support for NetApp Volumes using Google Cloud Next 24. The demo showed Google Cloud NetApp Volumes with the latest Google Vertex integrated AI development platform.

However, Han said the plan is actually to go multi-cloud. From that perspective, you can imagine that any customer with unstructured data would want to be able to use cloud AI services, but that's not easy. This freely available toolkit helps you instantiate and set up pipelines that ingest data into cloud AI services. This is an opportunity to work with our customers and get feedback on what they want from both their use cases and the cloud services we're building. And we're going to build this across multiple clouds.

Han said the NetApp GenAI toolkit ingests data and uses RAG (search extension generation) as a pattern for customers to ingest data into AI and launch the necessary components to bring AI to data.

Like other AI systems, companies can summarize content, he said. Maybe they have the doctor's patient records and want to know what their last visit was. Or maybe you're about to take a call, you have a lot of products, and you want to know what to highlight to your audience and have an outline of your solution ready. So I'm going to take all the content that I have and create an overview of it.

Partner's perspective

NetApp continues to tell important stories about storage and AI, said John Woodall, vice president and CTO of hybrid cloud at General Datatech, a Dallas-based solution provider and channel partner for NetApp and Google Cloud. I am.

NetApp continues to tell a story that supports a deep relationship with Nvidia and its ecosystem, Woodall told CRN. The performance of some of these workloads is extreme. His Nvidia GTC announcement last month was a bit mind-boggling in terms of scale and performance. And if storage can't keep up, that becomes the bottleneck for these projects. GPUs are very hungry.

Woodall said many of the people he talks to think Google is very mature in AI, which is good news for Google in terms of attracting and retaining customers.

Whether you're a startup, a midsize business, or a large customer that uses a lot of GPU computing, the cloud is almost always an element of your pipeline or DevOps environment, he said. So the ability to deliver not only cloud-native storage but also high-performance, highly available, and feature-rich storage is a differentiator that brings NetApp closer to what we used to call the data fabric story. . Customers can extend observability, management, and automation at the compute and network layers from on-premises to the cloud. But in reality, you cannot properly build a hybrid cloud without data services or similar data storage in terms of functionality. This favors NetApp in hybrid and cloud-native models.

The amount of attention and interest in AI is insane, Woodall said.

People want answers, but many don't know where to start, so many will start with the cloud, he said. What they need is to offer something like Flex. You can grow with it without having to rebuild. And then you can move towards reducing time-to-delivery or whatever your value metric is. This is the type of innovation that improves the entire ecosystem as part of a larger ecosystem.




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