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Google ends support for Dropcam and Nest Secure: What to do now?

Google ends support for Dropcam and Nest Secure: What to do now?


Last year, Google warned that it would end support for its Dropcam, Dropcam Pro, and Nest Secure security devices on April 8th. That day has passed, but now that support has ended, there's still time to think about your next steps.

Affected devices will no longer record videos, but you can access your previous video history for the remainder of your subscription. According to The Verge, that period ranges from his five days to 30 days. After your subscription end date, you will no longer be able to access your video history. So if you want to save something, you should save it as soon as possible.

Dropcam user instructions

For Dropcam owners, Google has two different offers. The first is a 50% discount on indoor wired Nest Cams for those without a Nest Aware subscription. If you have a Nest Aware subscription, you can get Nest Cam for free. You should have already received an email from Google about the promotion, but if you haven't received one, contact Google Support.

The Nest Cam is Google's cheapest camera, but that doesn't mean it's lacking in features. Our review called it a great little camera. Users who finally take advantage of it get 3 hours of cloud storage for free, along with smart alerts that detect people, pets, and objects moving around the room. This should serve as a solid upgrade to any upcoming Dropcam releases.

Nest Secure user instructions

Nest Secure users have two options regarding migration. The first is ADT's free self-setup system, which allows you to migrate to ADT's services and continue using your device. According to PCMag, if your system costs less than $485, Google will handle your bill. Alternatively, Google is offering a $200 coupon that can be used in the Google Store to purchase new Nest products that replace Nest Secure.

Nest Secure users using Nest x Yale Locks will need to take a few additional steps. After April 8th, you won't be able to connect your lock to Wi-Fi with your Nest Guard keypad. To avoid lockout, you must purchase Nest Connect if you don't already have it. Google is offering Nest Connect for free to users who own a Nest Secure. Most people should have already received this email, but if you haven't, check your deleted and spam folders and then contact Google Support.

The last thing affected users should do is cancel their Nest Aware subscription if they no longer need it. To do this, visit or use the Google Home app. If you no longer own a product that can use Nest Aware, Google won't automatically cancel your subscription, so you'll have to cancel it yourself if you no longer need it.

Why did Google end support for Dropcam and Nest Secure?

In 2023, Google consolidated its smart home ecosystem under the Google Home and Google Assistant umbrellas. Google has decided that the Nest Secure and two Dropcam devices are too old to properly integrate with the new system and is no longer supporting them. The rest of the Google Nest hardware family will continue to be supported for the time being.

Google started the transition last year by asking Nest users to move their accounts from Nest to Google Home. Around the same time, Google released a script editor to help Nest users continue using home automation. Nest account holders were also encouraged to migrate their Nest account to a Google account to avoid loss of functionality when the company shuts down Works with Nest.

Since then, Google has moved the rest of its Nest lineup to the Google Home app, allowing you to manage them the same way you used to manage them within the Nest app. If you haven't migrated your Nest account yet, Google recommends doing so.




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