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Google opposes California news law, begins blocking news websites | Technology News

Google opposes California news law, begins blocking news websites | Technology News


Google announced in a blog post Friday that it will begin a short-term test for a small number of California users to remove links to California news websites. This is in response to the California Journalism Protection Act (CJPA), which was passed by the US state legislature in 2023.

In a blog post, Google accused the CJPA of being a law that favors conglomerates and hedge funds at the expense of small local newsrooms.

That would give an advantage to the media conglomerates and hedge funds that have lobbied for the bill. Funds from the CJPA could be used to continue buying local newspapers in California, stripping them of their journalists and creating more ghost newspapers run by small staffs to produce only at low cost. And often low-quality content. The CJPA would also put small publishers at a disadvantage and limit consumer access to a diverse local media ecosystem, Jaffer Zaidi, vice president of global news partnerships, said in a blog post. Ta.

What is the California Journalism Protection Act (CJPA)?

The CJPA was submitted to the California State Legislature and passed in 2023. To become law, it must also pass the Senate with several amendments and then be signed by Governor Gavin. Newsome. The CJPA would require platforms like Google to pay journalism fees to eligible digital news organizations whose content appears in Google search results and elsewhere.

Eligible California-based news organizations must submit a notification to Google. Searches should track how many links to a news outlet appear on the platform and whether the news outlet existed for California residents. Based on all of this, Google will be required to donate a portion of its advertising revenue to the news organizations that apply.

Why are Google and others opposed to CJPA?

Google says its intent in opposing CJPA is to somehow give large news conglomerates an unfair advantage over smaller newsrooms, but it doesn't explain how that would happen. is not explained.

Interestingly, that's already happening in the digital landscape, dominated by giants like Google and Meta. A Reuters Institute study reveals how large conglomerates such as the New York Times have increased their audience share in the past at the expense of small local publishers.

But the real reason is that the new law could eat into the company's revenue and profit margins in ways unimaginable for a publicly traded technology company whose shareholders expect annual revenue growth. As a result, Google has opposed similar legislatures in many parts of the world.

Google also said it was experimenting with removing news from California-based news organizations for Californians, but Meta said it was funding a slush fund that primarily benefits major media outlets outside the state. He said he would be forced to remove the news from Facebook and Instagram instead of providing it. A company that purports to support California publishers.

Who is right?

Some of the concerns raised by Google and others are valid. For example, there should be a cap on the maximum amount that a company must pay. This can be based on a number of factors, but without it, this law could expose businesses to significant financial risk.

It is also possible that news organizations operating primarily out of state may pose as California-based news organizations in order to benefit from the new law. But it doesn't matter.

In recent years, companies like Google and Meta have built digital advertising monopolies based in part on the work of journalists, producing reportage that people around the world are interested in reading. Meanwhile, the news business has been in something of a slump in recent years as advertising revenue has shifted to a digital space dominated by a few organizations.

But laws like the CJPA could restore some of that revenue, especially to small and struggling local news organizations, often considered the backbone of the Fourth Estate.




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