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Southern Illinois Salukis – Official Athletics Website

Southern Illinois Salukis – Official Athletics Website


Southern Illinois' Carbondale, Ill. (28-8, 12-3 MVC) took the series win Saturday afternoon with a 20-3 victory over Evansville (11-28, 6-10 MVC). The Aces got on the board first with a three-run home run off the left-field foul pole in the first inning on a full count with two outs. However, Southern was able to bounce back and score 20 unanswered runs thanks to a pair of 9-run innings.

The Salukis' 20 runs mark the first since March 3, 2019 when SIU defeated Valpo 20-1, which also set a program record for most runs scored in a Missouri Valley game. The last time Southern scored more than 20 points was April 16, 1993 when SIU defeated Tulsa 24-2 (4).

Madi Eberle made the start and took an inning to settle in before retiring eight Aces in a row en route to her seventh win of the season. The veteran righty pitched all five innings required for the Salukis, giving up just two hits with four strikeouts. She nearly ended the game with four consecutive strikeouts, after striking out the last batter in the fourth and the first two in the fifth before recording a flyout to Katherine Johnson in right field to end the game.

Ten different Salukis recorded a hit as there were 13 in total on the day. Rylie Hamilton, Sidney JonesAnd Emma Austin each tallied two apiece to lead the Dawgs as Jones drove in three runs. Jones continues to have a sensational season as she leads the team in average (.356) and RBIs (29).

Elizabeth Warwick went 1-for-2 with two RBI's and perhaps the biggest hit of the game. With two outs and two runners in scoring position in the second inning, Warwick rolled a ground ball to the right side to force the Aces' first basemen to move away from the bag and make a play on the ball. With a head-first slide, Warwick beat the Aces' first basemen as both players dove, allowing enough time for both Saluki runners to score. Erin Lee was able to score all the way from second on an infield single thanks to some heads-up baserunning.

SIU would score nine runs on eight hits in the second inning, behind Hamilton, Jones and Addi Baker followed Warwick's single with back-to-back-to-back RBI doubles.

Alexis Rudd, Emma AnthonyAnd Kiana McDowell all recorded their first hits of the season and did so in style. Rudd singled with a hard line drive to center field to score a run, Anthony smoked a two-run double to right center, and McDowell put the icing on the cake with a three-run home run for runs 18, 19 and 20 on the day.

McDowell's home run not only marks the freshman's first home run as a Saluki, but also her first collegiate hit, as she had just two at-bats in the game. McDowell was definitely no doubter, blasting the ball far out of the park and over the left field wall as she was welcomed to home plate by the Saluki dugout.

Southern looks to take the series sweep and earn its fourth win of the week tomorrow at noon.


Stay up to date with the latest news and information about the Salukis by following the team on Twitter at@SIU_Softballon Facebook on Instagram at@SIU_Softball. Fans can also download the “Salukis” mobile app on theApp StoreorGoogle Play Store.




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