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Faced with paying news fees, Google excludes some California sites

Faced with paying news fees, Google excludes some California sites


But opponents, including Google, Meta and some independent newsrooms, say the bill would primarily benefit out-of-state newspaper chains and hedge funds and further decimate local news organizations. claims. Richard Gingras, Google's vice president for news, also told state lawmakers at a hearing last December that Google already does a lot to support local journalism and plans to join the tech giant in 2023. He said he pointed to financial grants and training for nearly 1,000 local publications. program.


Gingras said Google's search engine should be considered the biggest newsstand on the planet, helping connect users to news websites more than 24 billion times a month. Google's search engine holds an estimated 90% share of the market.

This traffic helps publishers make money by showing ads and attracting new subscribers, he said, adding that one click on a link from Google costs 50% to a news website. It is estimated to be worth ~7.

Google's decision to temporarily remove links to news websites is not a new tactic used by tech giants to push back on unwanted legislation. When Canada and Australia passed similar laws promoting journalism, Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, responded by blocking content from Canadian publishers on its sites in Canada. The company made similar threats to the U.S. Congress and California lawmakers last year. Google had threatened to do the same in Canada. But in November, Google agreed to pay C$100 million ($114 million) to the news industry.

If Google completely blocks content from search, news publishers will suffer and could potentially lay off even more journalists, but experts say that without news content, Google will also suffer financially. It says that it will be.


Antitrust attorney Brandon Cresin, who represents the News Media Alliance and other news publishers, said at a hearing in December that if Google decides to stop using newspaper content, it could cost his company a lot. He said it would cause damage. They would cut off their noses to spite their faces.

Political disputes over Google's dominant search engine, which could limit access to various news sources, come amid legal troubles that weaken the company's internet empire. This may lead to a decision to

U.S. Justice Department lawyers will file a federal lawsuit next month after presenting evidence supporting their claims that Google is abusing its power to stifle competition and innovation in the largest antitrust case in a quarter century. Closing arguments will be presented to the judge. A decision is expected to be made later this year.

Following a separate antitrust case concluded in December, a federal jury found that Google turned its smartphone app store, which runs on Android software, into an illegal monopoly, limiting consumer choice while restricting in-app purchases. It concluded that the company had enriched itself by charging unreasonably high fees. A hearing on the changes Google must make based on the ruling is also scheduled to be held next month.

California supports local journalism through a variety of initiatives, including a $25 million, multi-year, state-funded program that partners with the University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism to place 40 young journalists a year in local newsrooms. We have been working to revitalize the area. Congress is also considering another proposal this year that would expand tax credits for local news organizations.





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