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We tested Google Pixel's long exposure photo mode – another reason to keep your professional mirrorless camera at home

We tested Google Pixel's long exposure photo mode – another reason to keep your professional mirrorless camera at home


Google's long exposure photo mode is actually decent. So I said, As a photographer myself, thanks to another smartphone's Computational Photography mode (which recently got its own tab in Google's revamped camera app), I have no idea why I use a “proper” camera. He is strangling himself, saying that there has been one less. And my camera is the best mirrorless camera according to TechRadar, no less.

I was recently on a short beach vacation with my family, and I decided to wake up early to sneak in some alone time at dawn in a nearby secluded cove. It's me, the gently lapping waves, and hopefully a little color in the sky. Of course I'll bring my camera too.

A travel flask of hot tea, a banana, a notepad and pen, a mirrorless camera, two professional lenses covering focal lengths from 24 to 200mm, an ND filter and a tripod, and you're all set. Oh, and the Google Pixel 6 was in my pocket.

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Fully unedited standard version of the headline image (Image credit: Future | Tim Coleman) Long Exposure photo mode applied, but unedited. That horizon needs to be straightened! (Image credit: Future | Tim Coleman) Edited version in original 4:3 aspect ratio, but headline image cropped in 16:9. (Image credit: Future | Tim Coleman)

A steep descent through the woodland reveals a sheltered east-facing cove. I learned the importance of enjoying nature first before pulling the camera out of my bag, especially given my screen-intensive daily job.

After settling into the peaceful, unhurried pace of a quiet sunrise, I began moving around the beach, searching for compositions that caught my eye and photos that reminded me of how I felt when I was there.

Sunrise was amazing. It didn't win any awards, but it added color. As the tide receded, the beach gradually became clearer. Small waves crashed against the clay red sand slopes, climbed slightly up the sand, and retreated around small rocks, creating interesting patterns.

I've taken several long exposure photos of seascapes over the years, and I especially love this technique, which emphasizes the movement of water as it recedes around rocks. After taking a quick snapshot of the scene on my Pixel 6, I realized that I still hadn't properly used the long exposure photo mode. This mode is now prominent in the camera app with its own tab.

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Most of my favorite photos this morning were taken in portrait format. I made some cool, atmospheric edits to this photo using the Google Pixel 6's camera app editor (Image credit: Future | Tim Coleman) A standard, unedited version of the same image. (Image credit: Future | Tim Coleman)

Long exposure photo mode blurs motion while keeping stationary objects sharp. This creative technique can be used in many different ways, but blurring moving water is popular. After observing the water marks, I lined up the pictures and took a snap.

This is a bit similar to night view mode. You need to keep your phone as steady as possible while shooting long exposures. That way, stationary objects (in this case rocks, cliff faces, and pristine sand) remain sharp. This computational photography mode is like an enhanced in-body image stabilization feature on a professional mirrorless camera.

The phone stores both regular photos and images with long exposure effects (I've included both versions of all images for comparison). I have to say that the effect of this scenario is convincing (see above). This is similar to what I would expect from my mirrorless camera left in my bag on the beach 50 meters away.

No matter what camera you use for long exposure photography (mirrorless or camera phone), you'll have to keep experimenting to get the shot in this situation that emphasizes the receding seawater. Timing is very difficult.

Your best bet is to start capturing from the moment the waves on the beach reach their peak and the water just starts to recede. In doing so, the natural path back to the sea, whether straight or meandering around rocks, is emphasized and tidal energy is expressed.

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Not all scenes merit using long exposure photo mode. The water is too far away in this composition, so I skipped the highlights. (Image credit: Future | Tim Coleman) I prefer a standard photo for this scene. It also softens a bit when you use the long exposure photo mode to get a closer look at the details in the image. (Image credit: Future | Tim Coleman)

Google Pixel's long exposure mode isn't perfect – details are usually softer than in the standard version – but it's very good and convincing enough that you can use it with your mirrorless camera, tripod, or There was no need to bring an ND filter. If you own an OM System OM-1 II (or OM-1), you can use that camera's live ND calculation photo mode instead and leave behind the tripod and ND filter.

I haven't lost faith in my “proper” camera. As our time on the beach drew to a close, and we were still alone, a playful seal reared its head like a floating rock. I left the beach back in my bag, grabbed my camera with a 70-200mm lens, and took a few photos that were way beyond what I could hope to get with my Pixel 6. However, some of today's best camera phones can also take some of the best photos. A decent job.

I also continue to use a “proper” camera with a tripod and ND filter for long exposure photography. But now you might be thinking twice about whether it's worth lugging around all that gear for creative effects when you have computing mode in your pocket device.

Sammy shot from quite a distance with a professional mirrorless camera that I still use today. (Image credit: Future | Tim Coleman)Also recommended




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