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One of the world's most honest researchers accused of plagiarism

One of the world's most honest researchers accused of plagiarism


Another day, another academic researcher being accused of misconduct. In this case, that is Francesca Gino, recently the Tandon Family Professor of Management at Harvard Business School. The specific type of fraud in question is plagiarism.

Light bulb concept that shines ethics, respect, honesty and integrity


Two things are particularly noteworthy about this story. The first is that Gino has been one of the world's leading researchers on the topic of honesty for decades. For example, she investigated the relationship between her infidelity and variables such as psychological intimacy, creativity, and self-image. Her published papers include “Evil Genius?” How cheating leads to increased creativity, followed by widespread cheating: How unethical behavior leads to forgetting moral rules. Now, this honest researcher himself has been accused of fraud.

Another notable aspect of this story is that it follows on the heels of other misconduct allegations against Gino. In 2023, an internal Harvard Business School report found that Gino intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly committed research misconduct in four of the papers he published. Data Colada study investigators found evidence suggesting, in their view, that data in the Ginos study had been manipulated or falsified, prompting Harvard University to investigate. Gino then responded by filing a $25 million lawsuit against Harvard University and Data Colada.

What about these new plagiarism charges? Is it just that the quotations are sloppy here and there? According to findings in one of his leading research journals, Science, there are numerous instances of plagiarism in Gino's multiple works. This includes a co-authored book chapter with 10 unconfirmed sources for a particular passage. It also included two books written by Gino, in which Science was able to discover at least 15 additional passages of borrowed texts. Surprisingly, according to Science magazine, the source that Gino used most extensively without proper acknowledgment was an undergraduate thesis completed at Tilburg University in 2014 by Jasper Beinefeld, who is no longer even an academic. It is said that

To give you an example of what science has discovered, let's compare a passage from this publication's Forbes article with a passage from Ginos' 2013 book, Sidetracked.

2011 Forbes article:

Consider Ken Olsen, the titan who pioneered the minicomputer field in 1957 as co-founder of Digital Equipment Corporation. For the next decade, DEC dominated the scientific and engineering workstation market, particularly through its leadership position in universities. By the late 1970s, Olsen led the development of integrated hardware architectures and operating systems.

Ginos 2013 Book Derailment (p. 25):

Or consider the story of Ken Olsen, a leader in the minicomputer field as co-founder of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1957. For the next 20 years, DEC dominated the scientific and engineering workstation market, and by the late 1970s, the company was the computer industry under Olsen's leadership, thanks to the development of his integrated hardware architecture and operating system. I came in second place.

There seems to be too much overlap between the two texts for this to be just a coincidence. According to Science, there are no citations by Gino to his original Forbes article.

Given these preliminary findings, there is no doubt that more research work will be done on Ginos' writings. We also await Ginos' response to these new plagiarism allegations, which should be taken seriously and evaluated fairly. In the meantime, it's hard not to note some of the potential irony here. A prominent integrity researcher is now accused of not one, but two major acts of academic fraud. She, in turn, claims her accusers are dishonest about allegations of fraud in her research. Her accusers deny this. It goes on and on.




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