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Oops! Google Pixel 8a accidentally leaked by carrier

Oops! Google Pixel 8a accidentally leaked by carrier


US Cellular has briefly opened a support page for the Google Pixel 8a, hinting that the phone's official release could be very soon.

The news comes from a post by prominent leaker Evan Blass, who discovered that US Cellular had mistakenly posted a device tutorial for Google's budget smartphones. His one image included is the front of the new Pixel and its new round chassis.

It's around 1 a.m. early Saturday morning at Google headquarters. How long does it take for the right people to notice this and contact their carrier representative? Then the carrier rep will probably need to ping her third rep at the vendor who is responsible for posting (and removing) these tutorials. 13, 2024

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The images purporting to be of the Pixel 8a match previous leaks that appeared to reveal the phone's design. Yes, it looks a lot like its successor, the Pixel 7a. This is somewhat disappointing since it still has the noticeable bezels we complained about in our Pixel 7a review, but it's not surprising considering the Pixel 8a is still a lower-priced model. Although the back of the phone has not been revealed, we have previously seen the camera layout leaked in a YouTube ad.

So. many. It will leak.

This US Cellular listing is one of a series of leaks that revealed almost the entire Pixel 8a, including most of its specs, before its official launch. For example, according to the leak, the Google Pixel 8a will have a 6.1-inch FHD OLED screen and a Google Tensor G3 chip. The image in question also shows the color Obsidian, which is apparently one of the four colors that will be available.

We have a pretty good idea of ​​how much the phone will cost, around $500 to $550. This could mean a slightly higher price than the Pixel 7a, which retailed for $499 at launch.

(Image credit: @evleaks by X)

Google Pixel 8a has long been expected to be unveiled for the first time at Google I/O 2024 on May 14th. While we don't know the exact retail release date, this post from US Cellular indicates that stores are already preparing for the launch. This probably means that the Pixel 8a will be available soon after the announcement.

For more information on Google's next budget device, check out our Google Pixel 8a hub for all the latest news and rumors. You can also read about the upcoming Android 15. This will definitely be discussed in detail at Google I/O. You can also read about the rumored Pixel Fold 2. This too is expected to appear in the event's keynote speech.

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