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New Google leak reveals long-awaited Google Photos upgrade

New Google leak reveals long-awaited Google Photos upgrade


Google is testing powerful new organizational filters for Google Photos.

SOPA Image/LightRocket (via Getty Images)

Google is preparing some new features for Google Photos, including the ability to significantly reduce clutter in your photo grid.

The latest version of the Google Photos Android app contains hidden text that references the unreleased Hide clutter feature, according to a new report from software detective AssembleDebug. This long-awaited feature allows you to automatically exclude saved items such as screenshots, GIFs, and memes from your photo grid.

These types of images can accumulate quickly, so while you may want to keep them, you may not want to display them alongside your family photos or holiday snapshots.

Goodbye, screenshots!

Google Photos already automatically detects screenshots and shows them as a category of images you need to delete when you clean up your storage in the storage manager.However, new[乱雑な画像を非表示]Using the option will not remove these images from your library. They just disappear when you scroll through the photo grid. It is believed that turning off the filter will show hidden items if needed.

Google has previously rolled out several organizational tools to help users manage their growing photo libraries, including its recent Photo Stacks feature and the ability to automatically categorize documents into albums such as screenshots, IDs, and receipts. I've added it. The new organizing filters will complement these features nicely. , which helps users further separate personal memories from other types of stored photos.

Memories redesigned

This report replaces the recently introduced collage-style feed of thumbnails of various shapes, choosing much larger rectangular images that are all the same size.[思い出]It also reveals the possibility of a tab redesign. A toggle switch that allows users to turn off Google's AI-assisted memory title suggestions is also being tested. This toggle has already been added to Google's support page, so it may be implemented soon. Overall layout changes, such as the Memories redesign mentioned above, tend to undergo limited testing before being rolled out to everyone.

It's great to see Google Photos continue to add truly useful, quality of life features to the platform. Still, major changes in interface design tend to be divisive, especially among less confident users who don't adapt well to such changes.

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