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Lahore, Pakistan hosts 24th Asia Forum Technology Innovation Event

Lahore, Pakistan hosts 24th Asia Forum Technology Innovation Event


KARACHI: Customers chat with friends over piping hot tea at a popular tea cafe in Karachi. An armed guard is on the lookout for anything suspicious, and along with him are his seven unlikely allies: stray dogs adopted by a cafe owner.

This is the scene at Chai Master, a popular tea cafe located on a vacant lot in Karachi's Defense Housing Authority area. Street crime is on the rise in Pakistan's financial capital, with the Civil Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) reporting 6,102 cases of phone snatching from January to March 2024. According to police data, 60 people were shot dead this year after resisting street robberies.

With street crime on the rise in big cities, restaurants and tea cafes are forced to hire armed guards for protection. Haris Ibrahim, 33, the owner of Chai Masters, did something similar, but decided security alone wasn't enough.

But an incident three years ago led him to turn to a unique but more effective solution: stray dogs.

In 2021, drug addicts invaded Chai Master's premises and began harassing Ibrahim's customers. His security guards were of no help, but a stray man escorted the junkie from the scene, much to everyone's relief.

I thought, “Wow, this is amazing.” This is great, Ibrahim told Arab News. This is better than having someone armed like a gunman, so I thought, “Okay, I'm going to double up on the dogs.”

Currently, Chai Master has seven stray dogs: Tails, Spot, Speedy, Snoopy, Dozer, Minnie, and Buddy. Ibrahim, who is an animal lover, has deployed all seven of his animals to his tea cafe as a safety measure for his customers.

“I slowly started building this pack,” he explains, adding that all dogs are spayed, neutered, vaccinated, and properly trained to fulfill their duty of protecting customers from robbers. He added that

To train these stray dogs, Ibrahim started by feeding them and building a bond.

Once a bond was established, I used the carrot and stick method. In other words, I reward the behavior I encourage. He said he would leave out dog treats for that purpose.

There are penalties for undesirable behavior, in which case you will receive a slap from me.

Ibrahim said the dogs' undesirable behavior included barking at customers and fighting with each other.

But how do you keep your customers safe?

According to Ibrahim, anyone who seems catchy or likely to be a problem barks, which alerts us. That alerts my security guard. wonderful.

Ibrahim prefers to keep his dogs in their natural habitat, on the streets, after closing on the house. When Chai Master opens in the evening, the stray cats return.

Our customers also love dogs. Zahra Tafseer, an IT professional, describes herself as a cat person and has bonded with her master dogs over time.

She told Arab News that because of this place and the dogs here, I also started to bond with dogs. I never thought they were scary.

Mossa Khan, 30, who works at an advertising agency, says that being with the animals at the cafe is soothing.

In short, he said, animals have the miraculous ability to sense danger. So if you see someone out of place, you somehow have a sixth sense and know that something is wrong and should warn you.

Ibrahim agreed, recounting an incident when a stray dog ​​raised an alarm when a man tried to steal a side mirror from a car.

He said the dogs will definitely make the place safer so customers feel safer.

Mr Tafseer said the dogs are a success story that shows what can be achieved with a little love.

These dogs are essentially a classic example of a success story of what can be achieved when you give this species love and care, because they are living creatures, she said.

Ibrahim says customers who throw stones at dogs or are violent towards them are not welcome at his cafe.

If you can't respect other living things, we don't want you as a customer, he said.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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