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Best college football transfer portal available: The 10 best players to watch this spring

Best college football transfer portal available: The 10 best players to watch this spring


The 2023-2024 transfer portal cycle is on track to set another record, with 2,100 scholarship football players already in the portal at the FBS level. Nearly 1,400 people have announced their commitments so far as we enter the fortnight spring transfer window, April 16-30.

Which big names should you know before the portal deadline? In an effort to help you keep track of who's going where and what top transfers are still on the market, The Athletics ranks the best available players in the portal.

Transfers are ranked based on their experience, production, potential, interest they generate and feedback from coaches across the country. This is a fluid list that will be constantly updated as players make decisions, so be sure to keep it bookmarked.

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The key takeaways from day 1 of CFB's spring transfer portal

1. RB Damien Martinez, Oregon State: Martinez emerged as one of college football's top young backs in 2022, earning Pac-12 Offensive Freshman of the Year and Freshman All-America honors after rushing for 982 yards and seven touchdowns. The 6-foot-4, 232-pound rusher from Texas was even better as a sophomore, ranking second in the Pac-12 in rushing with 1,185 yards and nine scores and once again earning all-conference honors from the first team.

Martinez is now looking for a new home where he can prove he is one of the best running backs in the 2025 NFL Draft. He plans to visit Miami, Kentucky, Mississippi State and Arizona and would have an immediate impact for each of them.

2.DT Damonic Williams, TCU: The former California three-star emerged as one of the Big 12's best young defensive tackles in his two seasons in Fort Worth. He started all 15 games up front as a true freshman for a Horned Frogs team that played for a national title in 2022 and earned Freshman All-America honors, then started every game his sophomore year to earn honorable mention All-Big receive. 12 recognition. He has two seasons of eligibility remaining and there will be many Power 5 prospects vying for him. Oklahoma is expected to get the first call in this recruitment.

3. CB Tacario Davis, Arizona: This is a situation we haven't really seen in the portal age. Davis put his name in the transfer portal in late January following the coaching change in Arizona, but stayed and is going through spring training with the team. The 6-foot-1, 195-pound corner led the Pac-12 with 15 pass breakups in his first season as a starter and earned AP all-conference recognition.

Davis says he's stuck around to see how things go with his new coaches, but he hasn't officially withdrawn from the portal yet. Until he makes that move, other schools can continue to recruit him. This is an overnight deal, and it will be interesting to see if the Wildcats can keep him.

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4. D.B Jacoby Mathews, Texas A&M: The former top-50 recruit out of Louisiana was the No. 2 safety prospect in the 2022 class and one of the many gems of the Aggies' loaded No. 1 class. Mathews entered the starting lineup as a sophomore and recorded 42 tackles, four pass breakups and an interception. The 6-foot-1, 215-pound defenseman decided to transfer in February and is now officially on the market for his final two seasons of eligibility. Oregon is a school to watch in this race.

5. WR KeAndre Lambert-Smith, Penn State: The Big Tens with the most experience returning wides hit the market. Lambert-Smith started 38 games during his four years with the Nittany Lions and emerged as the clear No. 1 target for quarterback Drew Allar in 2023, finishing with 53 catches for 673 yards and four touchdowns. The 6-foot-4, 184-pound senior has one season of eligibility remaining and is looking to solidify his NFL Draft position elsewhere, with many Power 5 schools vying for his services.

6. OL Jason Zandamela, USC: The 6-foot-4, 306-pound center was one of the highest-ranked members of the Trojans 2024 recruiting class, with multiple services rating him as the No. 1 interior line in the country. Zandamela, who was born in Mozambique and played at Clearwater Academy International in Florida, enrolled early at USC but now wants to move closer to home. Miami, Florida and Georgia are reportedly in the mix.

7. DT CJ West, Kent State: The 6-foot-1, 315-pound senior developed into a three-year starter for the Flashes, with 110 tackles, 59 pressures, 19.5 tackles for loss and seven sacks in his career. West was named the top defensive tackle in the MAC last season according to Pro Football Focus and received third-team All-MAC honors from the league's coaches. He became one of the most popular players in the portal as soon as he walked in, with LSU, Miami and Texas A&M on a long list of Power 5 offers.

8. OL Marcus Bryant, SMU: The 6-foot-1, 318-pound left tackle developed into a 30-game starter for the Mustangs during his four years in the program and was a first-team All-AAC selection for the league's 2023 champions. Bryant has one season left of eligibility and intriguing upside for those looking for a plug-and-play starter with more than 2,300 career snaps. Washington, Mississippi State and TCU are among the teams competing.

9. OL Branson Hickman, SMU: Hickman was a three-year starter at center for SMU who earned second-team All-AAC honors last year and finished as the nation's fourth-best starting center by PFF rating. The 6-foot-4, 294-pound senior has two seasons of eligibility remaining and has taken official visits to TCU and Arkansas.

10. DE Dayon Hayes, Pitt: After leading the Panthers with 10.5 tackles for loss in his first season as a starter, Hayes is looking to continue for his final season of eligibility. The 6-foot-4, 265-pound edge defender recorded 45 tackles, 44 pressures, four sacks and four pass breakups in 2023, but told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette he switched because he didn't believe Pitt could win now. Can he find a contender who will give him a chance to start and shine? USC and Colorado are expected to get his first visits.

(Photo: Scott Taetsch/Getty Images)




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