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Google's new Platforms and Devices team is all about AI

Google's new Platforms and Devices team is all about AI


AI is taking over at Google, and the company is making big changes to help it do it even faster. Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced Thursday a major internal reorganization, including the creation of a new team called Platforms and Devices, which will oversee all of Google's Pixel products, Android, Chrome, ChromeOS, Photos and more. announced. The team will be led by Rick Osterloh, who previously served as senior vice president of devices and services, overseeing all of Google's hardware efforts. Hiroshi Lockheimer, the longtime head of Android, Chrome, and ChromeOS, will also be responsible for other projects within Google and his company at Alphabet.

This is a big change for Google, and it probably won't be the last. According to Osterloh, there's only one reason: AI. This isn't a secret, right? he says. By unifying teams, Osterloh says, they can perform full-stack innovation when needed. He uses the example of his Pixel camera. He required deep knowledge of hardware systems, from sensors to ISPs and all layers of the software stack. And I think all of his early HDR and ML models that were doing camera processing at the time really showed that through hardware/software/AI integration, AI can completely transform the user experience. That was important. And that's even truer today.

Osterloh points to GPUs as another example. Google is pouring resources into its Tensor product to keep up with the likes of Nvidia, and keeping the hardware and software close and aware of each other's work makes it easier to improve quickly. This is the kind of thing he could try with two teams, but with one team he says everything can be done faster if he has one leader and he has one goal.

As we speak, Osterloh and Lockheimer are sitting in Lockheimer's office, talking to me via Google Meet. The two have been friends and colleagues for decades and have made it clear that the change is not the result of an internal power struggle. (Even if I brought it up as a joke, they shot me down right away for yelling.) They've been talking to Pichai for over two years about making this shift, and now it's finally the right time. Lockheimer says he felt that way.

Rick Osterloh has spent the past eight years building for the future of AI at Google. Photo courtesy of Dieter Bohn/The Verge

Osterloh says that by combining the teams, Google can move more quickly to integrate AI into all of its products. There's a way to get the latest research and the latest models from DeepMind very quickly, he says, and Jay Yagnik, a longtime researcher and engineer on his AI team at Google, says there are ways to get the latest research and the latest models from DeepMind very quickly. As part of this, he also mentioned coming to Osterloh's team. That exchange. One way he captures these changes is by simplifying the pipeline. Today, we have teams that do AI research and teams that do AI products. In many cases, Osterloh continues, that means understanding how to build new applications based on the output of the latest model and being able to move people quickly to do so. Google has been hampered in many ways by the AI ​​revolution, but it recognizes that it needs to do whatever it can to move forward as quickly as possible.

Google has long carefully separated its own hardware efforts from working with the broader Android ecosystem to avoid privileging its own devices or complicating relationships with companies like Samsung. I have said that I am doing it. However, that relationship has changed over the past few years. Google's hardware team has strived to both build great devices and show the rest of the Android world what's possible next.

One way to capture these changes is to simplify your pipeline. Today, we have teams that do AI research and teams that do AI products.

But Osterloh was furious when I suggested that this reorganization might mean the end of the firewall between Pixel and Android. We've always had separate teams between Android and our ecosystem partners and first-party hardware efforts, he says. Sameer Samat, who has been instrumental in running Android under Lockheimer, will now become president of the Android ecosystem. Lockheimer says Samat has all these ecological relationships and it's all fine. And Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon, one of the first people briefed on the change, said in a statement that the company is leveraging Snapdragon not just across mobile, but across automotive, XR, and computing. He said he looks forward to working with Rick to deliver a cutting-edge Android experience. .

At the same time, it's clear that Google is further strengthening its role as the tip of Android's spear, especially as AI takes over the operating system. Google is already adding Gemini models and chatbots everywhere you can think of, and has been adding AI capabilities to Pixels cameras for the past two years, and how AI could change the way you use your phone. Or, for that matter, clearly has big plans. , devices running Android Auto, Wear OS, ChromeOS, and everything else.

These changes seem to be part of an ongoing cycle at Google. Google is famous for allowing vast and nearly autonomous work environments. This gives you access to not only Gmail, but also thousands of messaging apps and products with poor integration, with occasional efforts. Integrate around bigger initiatives and increased profits. Co-founder Larry Page, whose big initiative at the time was his Google Plus, said in 2011 to leave more trees behind fewer arrows. Google will surely hope that its full-scale AI efforts will yield better results.

In some ways, this is the path Osterloh has been on since he first joined Google in 2016. At the time, Google Assistant was all the rage, and Mr. Pichai was telling anyone who would listen that he was betting the company on his ambient computing ideas. And he is a virtual assistant that helps him accomplish more in life, he created Google for personal users. Osterloh's job was to build a home for Google Assistant (phones, speakers, VR headsets, laptops, smartwatches, etc.). Osterloh said he knew from the beginning that ultimately he was working on AI and that hardware was much more important to his AI-first Google than his search-first Google. I am. And the technology has evolved so much that it is now actually put into practical use.

Osterloh says the priorities will remain the same, but the pace of daily meetings will definitely change. In general, he says, the plan is just to make everything faster. To update Google devices more frequently as AI models improve. To launch new products with agility instead of bogging down all the processes and bureaucracy. A new SOC cannot be airdropped into an existing product, Osterloh says. However, you can design it for long-term use and update the software frequently.

Google is in the midst of completely reinventing itself around AI, a technology that Pichai himself has said could be as important as fire. All Google-owned apps and all Google-managed platforms will be modified by Gemini. For that to work, Google itself, its structure, and its culture will have to change. It's not always easy, but we clearly don't have time to waste.




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