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Cantwell, Young, Blackburn, Hickenlooper introduce legislation to ensure America leads the world…

Cantwell, Young, Blackburn, Hickenlooper introduce legislation to ensure America leads the world…


Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), and John Hitt, chairmen of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. Sen. Ken Looper (D-Colo.), a member of the Commerce Committee, today laid the foundation for maintaining U.S. leadership in the global race to develop artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies. Introduced the bipartisan Future of AI Innovation Act. This law fosters strong partnerships between government, business, civil society, and academia to advance AI research. It authorizes the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) National AI Safety Laboratory to facilitate the development of voluntary standards to drive breakthrough AI innovation for the benefit of future economic growth and national security. It is about creating national laboratories and testbeds to accelerate it.

“Our bill ensures that the United States maintains leadership in AI for decades to come. It fosters public-private collaboration to foster innovation and competitiveness. NIST AI Safety Institute , National Laboratory Testbeds, and Grand Challenge Awards bring together experts from the private sector and government to develop standards, create new assessment tools, and overcome existing barriers to what's next. It will lay a strong foundation for America's evolving AI technology economy for years to come,” said Senator Maria Cantwell.

“The Future of AI Innovation Act is critical to maintaining America’s leadership in the global race to advance AI. This bipartisan bill creates critical partnerships between government, the private sector, and academia. One of my top priorities for federal AI policy is to establish voluntary standards and best practices that ensure a fertile environment for AI innovation while considering potential risks. “This bill is an important step forward in that effort,” the senators said. . Todd Young.

“The Future of AI Innovation Act encourages the U.S. government and industry to work together to take advantage of the promise that AI will revolutionize our lives,” said Senator Blackburn. . “This bill brings together the expertise of national laboratories such as Oak Ridge National Laboratory to create a testbed for synthesizing new materials for AI systems. It also creates regulatory barriers to AI innovation. These policies will also require strengthening the country's stance in standard-setting bodies to identify fentanyl and illicit contraband detection, and to ensure that governments support rather than hinder technological advances. Leveraging AI to help find solutions to important problems facing Americans today, such as improving security.”

“Artificial intelligence has great potential, but it's up to us to ensure we harness it for responsible innovation,” said Senator Hickenlooper. “Our bipartisan Future of AI Innovation Act will now allow the National AI Safety Council to develop the necessary research, standards, and partnerships without compromising our position at the forefront of this technology. Ta.”

As foreign adversaries and competitors invest heavily in AI, it is important that the United States maintains its leadership, and this bill provides support for CHIPS and science to support major private sector innovation in AI. Based on the law investment. The bill builds on Senators Cantwell and Young's original AI Futures Act, which established a panel of external experts to advise the government on AI. Created a National AI Advisory Council (NAIAC). The provisions of the Future of AI Innovation Act were drafted based on recommendations from the NAIAC report.

The future of AI innovation law:

Authorizes NIST AI Safety Institute to develop AI standards: Officially establishes the AI ​​Safety Institute at NIST to collaborate with the private sector and federal agencies to develop voluntary guidelines and standards and create robust AI standards. Foster long-term innovation. The Institute will develop performance benchmarks, evaluations, and clear transparency documentation standards for AI systems, as well as help businesses and consumers better understand and use AI tools. Create a new AI testbed in collaboration with national laboratories: NIST, National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Energy (DOE), and security risk tools to evaluate AI models and make discoveries that benefit the U.S. economy Among the private sectors that develop testbed programs are companies that create test environments to evaluate the capabilities and limitations of their systems. The bill also requires public-private partnership testbeds to create new materials for advanced manufacturing, and testbeds to use AI integrated with emerging technologies such as quantum hybrid computing and robotics to create new scientific materials. Allow discoveries to be made. Creates the Grand Challenge Prize competition to foster AI solutions and innovation in the private sector: The Grand Challenge elevates and accelerates high-priority projects and engages researchers across the country in the interest of national competitiveness. Masu. This grand challenge prioritizes finding AI solutions through the integration of advanced AI technologies and emerging technologies such as quantum computing. Grand challenges will create barriers to the further development of AI and computing, microelectronics, advanced manufacturing, and other economic priorities such as breakthroughs in ship propulsion systems and border security, including the detection of fentanyl and illegal drugs. The purpose is to overcome. Accelerate AI innovation with publicly available datasets: Curated datasets to accelerate new advances in AI applications, including solutions to global challenges in agriculture, healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, and more. Directs federal scientific agencies to make publicly available. Unlocking datasets can help with AI discovery and benefit small businesses that often don't have access to much data. Create an International Alliance on AI Standards, Research and Development: Form a coalition with U.S. allies to work toward global standards and among scientific and academic institutions around the world to foster AI research and innovation. Create multilateral research cooperation. This collaboration is based on NAIAC recommendations.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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