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Meta steps up AI battle with OpenAI and Google with release of Llama 3 | Meta

Meta steps up AI battle with OpenAI and Google with release of Llama 3 | Meta


Meta Platforms on Thursday announced an early version of its latest large-scale language model, Llama 3, and an image generator that updates images in real time while users type prompts, as it races to catch up with generative AI market leader OpenAI. was released.

These models will be integrated into Meta AI, a virtual assistant that the company is touting as the most sophisticated of its free-to-use counterpart. The assistant will be given more prominent billing within the Metas Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger apps, as well as a new standalone website, allowing it to compete more directly with ChatGPT, the Microsoft-backed OpenAI hit. It will look like this.

The announcement comes with Meta's overhaul of its computing infrastructure and the merging of previously separate research and product teams to challenge OpenAI's leading position in the technology. It comes amid a rush to push the app to billions of users.

The social media giant has equipped Llama 3 with new computer-coding capabilities, this time delivering images as well as text, but for now the model only outputs text, said Metas' chief product officer. Chris Cox said in an interview.

More advanced inference (such as the ability to create longer multi-step plans) will follow in subsequent versions, he added. A version expected to be released in the coming months will also be multimodal, meaning it can generate both text and images, Mehta said in a blog post.

The ultimate goal, Cox said, is to eliminate the hassles of work and just help people do things that make their lives easier, such as dealing with businesses, writing, and planning trips.

Including images in Rama 3's training enhances an update rolling out this year to Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses, a partnership with eyewear manufacturer EssilorLuxottica, in which Meta AI identifies objects visible to the wearer and He said that he will be able to answer questions about people. they.

Meta also announced a new partnership with Alphabets Google to include real-time search results in Assistant responses, complementing Microsoft's existing agreement with Bing.

This update expands the Meta AI Assistant to more than 10 markets outside the US, including Australia, Canada, Singapore, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Cox said Meta is still figuring out the right way to make this happen in Europe, where privacy rules are stricter and upcoming AI laws will introduce requirements such as disclosure of model training data. is expected to be imposed.

The voracious need for data for generative AI models has emerged as a major source of tension in technology development.

Meta is offering Llama for free commercial use by developers as part of a catch-up effort, as the success of a strong free option could thwart rivals' plans to monetize their proprietary technology. They have released models like 3. This strategy has also raised safety concerns from critics who are wary of what unscrupulous developers might build using the model.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave a nod to the competition in a video accompanying the announcement, in which he called Meta AI the most intelligent AI assistant at his disposal.

Citing metrics used to convey the strength and performance quality of AI models, Zuckerberg said the largest version of Llama 3 is currently trained with 400 billion parameters and has already achieved a score of 85 MMLU. He said there was. He said the two smaller versions currently deployed have 8 billion parameters and 70 billion parameters, with the latter scoring around 82 MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding).

Developers complained that previous versions of this model, Llama 2, did not understand basic context, confusing queries about how to terminate a computer program with requests for instructions to carry out a murder. states. Rival Google has encountered similar issues, recently suspending the use of its Gemini AI image generation tool after it drew criticism for producing a large number of inaccurate depictions of historical figures.

Meta says they have mitigated these issues in Llama 3 by using high-quality data to make the model aware of nuances. Although he did not elaborate on the datasets used, he inputted seven times the amount of data into Llama 3 as he used for Llama 2, and added synthetic data, i.e., to enhance areas such as coding and inference. He stated that he utilized data created by AI.

Cox said there hasn't been a major change in attitude in terms of how the company sources its training data.




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