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Microsoft and partners: Securing the digital undersea environment through innovation

Microsoft and partners: Securing the digital undersea environment through innovation


A comprehensive approach to continuous innovation to support and secure critical underwater infrastructure.

The aquatic and coastal environment remains important to a nation's economic interests and ability to exploit marine resources. In addition to traditional resources, energy production from water and wind are important resources transported by submarine cables. These cables offer high speed, low cost and reliable connectivity, with over 400 cables spread over more than 1.3 million kilometers around the world. They are essential for global data transmission, including the financial and digital economies.

In October 2020, NATO Defense Ministers discussed the threat to critical undersea infrastructure posed by the increasing capabilities and aggressiveness of state actors. 1 Undersea protection is a new and current priority for NATO, declared in 2022 by the UK Secretary of Defense, Sir Tony Radakin. 2 Seabed protection is a topic of discussion around the world, spanning the Atlantic, Pacific and European oceans, where maritime infrastructure is highly congested. 3 In addition, in 2024, NATO will launch Digital Ocean, a pioneering effort in maritime situational awareness4.

Protection of the undersea domain relies on allied defense organizations and asset managers developing and deploying innovative solutions and data-driven insights to enhance situational awareness, communications, and decision-making capabilities. However, this is a complex environment that addresses several technical and operational challenges, including high latency, low bandwidth, power consumption, security, data quality, multi-domain sensor integration, and processing at the edge. is needed.

Transforming underground operations

Harness the power of data and AI to strengthen your defense ecosystem

By using industry-leading capabilities and integrating them with a hyperscale data fabric, you can implement strategies to address these challenges. This collaboration includes working closely with allied defense organizations, the Coast Guard, government agencies, and asset managers to determine innovative ways to deploy a secure and intelligent digital backbone to protect critical underwater infrastructure. This includes working together.

tackle challenges

Fundamentally, meeting operational information demands requires data ingestion, analysis, distribution, and visualization across the subsea domain.

Data ingestion: Securely and reliably collect, store, and process data from a variety of sources including sensors, devices, satellites, and surface links. Additionally, this may require technology and infrastructure with unique capabilities that can operate disconnected for long periods of time and perform safe and secure synchronization when connectivity is available. . Data analytics: Apply artificial techniques such as anomaly detection, classification, and prediction to data to generate actionable insights and intelligence. To that end, these AI and machine learning models are developed using high-performance computing and packaged for inference at the extreme edge, with processes that enable efficient deployment and effective feedback loops. It may be necessary to do so. Data distribution: Ability to share and exchange data timely and efficiently across different domains, platforms, and parties, while respecting data governance and supporting interoperability standards (e.g., standards agreements) . [STANAGs], CATL, etc.) and address the challenges of denial, degradation, intermittent, and potential network requirements while maintaining security policies. Data visualization: Present and display data and insights in user-friendly and intuitive ways, including dashboards, holographic displays, geospatial data infrastructure, and charts to support situational awareness and enhance decision-making To do.

Addressing the challenges is a significant undertaking and requires flexible, modular and interoperable solutions. The solution must support and adapt to a dynamic and complex underwater environment, while meeting the security requirements and priorities of relevant defense organizations and industry partners.

Therefore, we aim to support the creation of a common reference architecture for test and development environments based on Digital Software Factory principles. This enables the implementation and maintenance of an interoperable underwater infrastructure machine learning ecosystem that supports continuous innovation at high speed and scale.

Proposed solution

At its core are four design principles that help ensure security and intelligence in underwater environments. They include:

Hyperscale computing at scale in the cloud and at the edge enables secure information operations that extend cloud services to the edge, providing a trusted collaboration environment for a wide range of infrastructure partners. Providing hyperscale environments also meets ongoing needs for security, scalability, and reliability. Secure data exchange to support zero trust, multi-domain networks for asset operations and sensors while maintaining security and data control. Secure data exchange capabilities also meet operational requirements for sharing trusted data and information across a complex ecosystem of government agencies and public and private infrastructure within multidimensional legal frameworks that transcend territorial maritime boundaries. Masu. Ubiquitous connectivity through terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks leverages current infrastructure at scale to accommodate asymmetric growth in data volumes and near real-time data insights. Additionally, we envision (future) applications of private 5G and satellite backhaul connecting subsea, surface and terrestrial sensors, which will enhance risk management at sea and reduce mitigation. will be done. Assurance and risk management services for the maritime and energy sectors, combining the requirements of public-private partnerships in current and future energy infrastructure.

Applying these design principles provides a comprehensive solution for a secure subsea digital backbone. it is:

Increase situational awareness for all stakeholders across your operational environment. Facilitate data sharing and exchange across domains, platforms, and parties. Ensure security and reliability across your infrastructure and environment. Optimize performance and operations by providing subsea digital services to the maritime, energy and defense sectors.

Ultimately, enabling enhanced human-machine teaming in military and non-military operations will provide the backbone for data-driven, reliable, and transparent computational decision support capabilities. Masu.

Power your shipping operations with Microsoft solutions

The field of critical underwater infrastructure is a strategic and challenging environment that requires innovative, cloud-enabled, and interoperable capabilities to enhance data and network management of subsea operations.

Microsoft for Defense and Intelligence believes this approach is comprehensive and flexible, with significant benefits for situational awareness, communications, collaboration, security, reliability, performance, and efficiency for subsea operations and critical infrastructure in the maritime environment. We believe that we can provide a solution.

For more information, see the white paper “Transforming subsurface operations with data-driven decision support.”

Empower the military. Improving operations. Protect national security.

1NATO is exploring ways to protect undersea cables from Russian attack, Euractiv.

2 Chief of Defense Staff: Russia's cutting of submarine cables could be an 'act of war',

3Australia needs to do more to secure cables connecting the Indo-Pacific, ASPI strategists say.

4NATO Digital Maritime Industry Symposium, NATO.

Martin Sulisquis

Microsoft, Worldwide Public Sector Defense and Intelligence Industry Senior Advisor

Martin Slijkhuis is a Microsoft Defense Industry Black Belt and former European Defense Director in the Aerospace and Maritime Industrial Base, with over 20 years of experience in IT within the Defense Industry. He serves as an industry advisor for the global public sector, security, mission cloud, and defense and intelligence partners. He drives Microsoft's defense and intelligence strategic initiatives that support continued innovation with systems and I am. He is a vocal advocate for the positioning of critical underwater infrastructure and the deployment of native cloud capabilities in defense multi-domain operations.

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Lloyd Hewitt

Director, Worldwide Public Sector Defense and Intelligence Business Strategy, Microsoft

Hewitt is an experienced business leader and former British and Australian Defense Naval Officer who has worked in both the public and private sectors. As Director of Global Public Sector, he is responsible for Microsoft's defense strategy, relying on his years of experience and intuitive knowledge of defense procedures and ecosystems. He is a vocal advocate of incorporating cloud-based technology into future defense missions.

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