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FIU welcomes Argentine President Javier Milei FIU news

FIU welcomes Argentine President Javier Milei  FIU news


On April 11, 2024, FIU's Biscayne Bay campus welcomed Argentine President Javier Milei before an audience of more than 200 guests. Miley, 13th The president in Argentina since the restoration of democracy in 1983 is a self-proclaimed 'black swan' among leaders, cultivating a complex and controversial public image.

Since his triumph over Sergio Massa, a former economy minister, in a runoff election, Milei has been a prominent figure, known for his powerful exchanges with the media and other Argentine political figures.

A former university professor and author, Milei gave a lecture on economic theory during his visit. Drawing on the work of economists Milton Friedman, John Maynard Keynes, Vilfredo Pareto, and Adam Smith, Milei offered an analysis of past Argentine administrations while sharing his perspectives on capitalism, socialism and freedoms in Latin America. Arguing that the shortcomings of past administrations helped pave the way for his election, he also acknowledged the uniqueness of his political and economic stance in the context of Latin American leadership. Closing his speech with a resounding declaration of “¡Viva la libertad!” Miley made a lasting impression on the audience.

Reflecting on the event, Hipolito Calero, a master of criminal justice and National Security Studies Certificate student, said that “Only at FIU do you have the opportunity to hear perspectives from a Latin American President. President Milei's lecture on economics was informative and broadened my understanding of various theories.”

Marian Balseiro, an international degree student agreed. “It's rare to interact with a sitting head of state, especially one as popular as Milei.”

Hosted by the Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy at the Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs and the Adam Smith Center for Economic Freedom, the event illustrates FIU's commitment to collaborative engagement with global communities and broadening student perspectives.

Over the years, FIU has hosted several presidents from Latin America and the Caribbean, including Carlos Menem of Argentina, Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada and Jorge Quiroga of Bolivia, Michelle Bachelet of Chile, Luis Guillermo Solis of Costa Rica, Alvaro Republican'Uribe and Domini of Colombia. such as US Presidents George HW Bush, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump.




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