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US Embassy awards Hollywood scholarships to Egyptian filmmakers at Aswan International Women's Film Festival

US Embassy awards Hollywood scholarships to Egyptian filmmakers at Aswan International Women's Film Festival


CAIRO The U.S. Embassy in Cairo is honored to support the 2024 Aswan International Women's Film Festival. In partnership with Film Independent, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit organization, the Embassy awarded three Film Residency Awards which will send visionary Egyptian filmmakers to Hollywood for tailored programming and presentations to industry leaders as they finalize production of their fiction or documentary films.

The winners are Yomna Khattabdirector of 50 Meters, SondosShabayakdirector of And Me Too, and Mavie Maher, director of Fragile. Accepting his award, Maher said: “It is very important for me to share my films that carry the stories of my people and their voices around the world because it is a fundamental right for us to be seen and heard as we really are. I cannot not consider this award but as a crucial step in this direction and towards the reshaping of the collective consciousness through a feminine narration which is essential.

During this week's festival, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and Film Independent also hosted a four-day creative production workshop, led by American filmmakers Avril Z. Speaks and Kelly Thomas. The workshop was designed to support and promote the creative expression of Egyptian filmmakers through short film projects and was open to emerging female filmmakers from Aswan and surrounding governorates.

The United States is proud to partner with the Aswan International Women's Film Festival and its mission to promote intercultural dialogue and people-to-people connections, according to the Minister Counselor for Public Diplomacy at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Ruben Harutunian. The festival is a bridge to connect stories about and by women around the world to ensure their voices are heard and their stories seen. We look forward to seeing the final projects of Egyptian filmmakers who will have the opportunity to develop and present their projects in the United States through the Film Residency Awards.

The Aswan International Women's Film Festival celebrates cinema as a means of promoting intercultural dialogue and presents the best of Egyptian and international production in the form of documentaries and short films. Independent film supports visual storytelling through a global community of artists who embody the diversity, innovation and uniqueness of their vision, seeking to inspire filmmakers, build an audience for their projects and work to diversify the Film Industry.

The U.S. Embassy in Cairo works cooperatively with festivals and filmmakers throughout Egypt, inviting American filmmakers to host workshops, panels, and masterclasses to connect and strengthen the artistic and cultural partnership between the states -United and Egypt. To learn more about the U.S. Embassy's cultural programs, visit and follow @USEmbassyCairo on Facebook, XAnd Instagram.




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