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Today’s TSA administrators are looking to expand with innovation partners

Today’s TSA administrators are looking to expand with innovation partners


Administrator Pekoske and other TSA leaders met with innovation partners to explore ways TSA can best leverage commercial technology to quickly deliver advanced solutions to employees.

TSA's collaboration with Silicon Valley and federal partners supports management's intent to improve security and protect the transportation system by being agile, innovative, and rapidly deploying new solutions and maximizing the effectiveness of resources. Aligned with the first strategic priority of 3.0.

As an agile agency, TSA must efficiently and quickly apply innovative processes and technologies to combat complex and evolving threats to the nation's transportation system.

It was very energizing to hear about the work we are doing with our technology partners and to see the teams at these airports. We look forward to achieving even more in the coming years. Administrator Pekosuke said this via Twitter/X.

For much of the trip, the administrator was accompanied by TSA Leader Chief Innovation Officer Stephen Parker. Andy Haskins, Deputy Chief Innovation Officer; Enterprise Support Deputy Executive Assistant Administrator Kim Hutchinson. Chief Information Officer Yemi Osinnaye, Faiza Khan Administrator Advisor; Charlie Hall, Requirements, Capabilities, and Analysis (RCA) Senior Technical Advisor. RCA Identity Management Manager Jason Lim and RCA Innovation Taskforce Acting Director Anka Alexandrescu.

The team embarked on a series of visits with civilian and federal partners to discuss new technologies and how innovation, creativity and agility impact mission success.

The team visited Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Apple, Google, Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), and InQTel (IQT), and met with Dr. Hayagriva Hagi Rao, a professor at Stanford University and an expert in innovation and organizational behavior. I met with you. Mr. Pekoske also worked with his TSA personnel at California's Monterey Regional Airport (MRY), San Francisco International Airport (SFO), Oakland International Airport (OAK), and San José Mineta International Airport (SJU).

Homeland Security Defense and Security Center

Pekoske participated in a fireside chat about building a culture of innovation at the Center for Homeland Security's Defense and Security Alumni Professional Exchange event at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey. LE/FAMS Secretary General Serge Potopov moderated the event.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Mr. Pekoske visited Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a federally funded science and technology research and development center in Livermore, California, to discuss the institute's capabilities and potential areas for collaboration.

google, apple

Administrators worked with Google and Apple executives to address states adopting the use of state-issued digital IDs and their acceptance at security checkpoints during the identity verification process. The TSA is working with technology giants to allow passengers to verify their identity at the airport with an ID stored on their phone.

Defense Innovation Unit

Pekoske then traveled to Mountain View, California, where he met with DIU Director Doug Beck and Deputy Director Kerstin Riesbeck. The meeting focused on his DIU's capabilities in deploying and expanding commercial technologies and potential areas for cooperation with TSA.

DIU is the only Department of Defense (DoD) organization dedicated to the acquisition and evaluation of emerging technologies that address critical gaps and scale commercial solutions that quickly have strategic impact across the U.S. military. Administrators added their signatures to the DIU Innovation Wall, which also features signatures from Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Jim Mattis, and Lloyd Austin.

DIU is excited to share the lessons learned, successes, and opportunities learned to accelerate commercial technology to the Department of Defense with partners across the U.S. government, Beck said. Together we can have a strategic impact on the nation.


Administrators then met with IQT leaders at their offices in Menlo Park, Calif., to discuss the company's ability to pilot and implement commercial solutions that support TSA's mission. IQT, a strategic global investor, partners with nontraditional and emerging investment-backed companies to adapt cutting-edge commercial technologies for the U.S. government.

IQT CEO Steve Bowsher said, “We have spent time with TSA and many IQT portfolio companies and other companies in Silicon Valley and are excited about the opportunities for TSA and other government agencies to leverage innovation from the venture capital and startup community. We are pleased to have identified this.” We look forward to supporting TSA's work and strengthening our ties with the private sector.

Mr. Pekoske affirmed TSA's commitment to working with IQT for rapid access and accelerated deployment of advanced capabilities to support TSA's critical mission needs.

DIU and IQT are two critical tools for government agencies to address the challenge of adopting commercial technologies at the same speed as the private sector, breaking down systemic barriers and informing repeatable processes in the process. It represents the route.

Stanford University Graduate School of Business

At the Stanford Graduate School of Business, administrators met with Dr. Hayagriva Hagi Rao, co-director of Stanford's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program and professor of organizational behavior and human resources.

Mr. Rao discussed driving organizational change, building a customer-focused culture, organizational design, and employee empowerment. He emphasized the importance of shaping the organization's culture by applying the people-first approach that Pekoske has long embraced, as demonstrated by his strong commitment to TSA personnel.

TSA Ventures

After visiting DIU, IQT, and Stanford University, administrators participated in a TSA Venture Strategy Discussion led by the Chief Innovation Officer and facilitated by BMNT, a global advisory firm for government and federal partners. TSA Ventures is one of a series of initiatives outlined in the TSA Innovation Doctrine that will help agencies become more mobile by accelerating dual-use commercial technologies to quickly get cutting-edge solutions into the hands of TSOs. We aim to complement traditional acquisition channels.

TSA lift cell

Finally, Mr. Pekosuke collaborated with the TSA Bay Area Lift Cell at SFO, OAK, and SJU, who came together to build relationships and collaborate on issues to present at the TSA 2024 Lift Summit at TSA Headquarters. did. Lift Cells is a group that helps TSA solve problems while developing TSA's culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Mr. Pekoske praised Lift Cells' efforts in helping employees find solutions to the everyday challenges they face. The first three words of our vision statement say we are an agile security agency. You can't be agile without getting input from the people on the front lines of your organization. Clearly, it can be done more effectively and efficiently. Better for customers. We need to know about them and try to bring them out.if we didn't have [your input] We won't be the nimble institutions we need, Pekoske said.

The visit highlighted TSA's commitment to sustaining its vision for a secure future through investment, partnerships, innovation, and research and development.

Mr. Parker summarized what the Silicon Valley tour accomplished for TSA. An important objective of the visit was to facilitate TSA's adoption of a fast-follow strategy to leverage commercial technology, he said. We will continue to work with our innovation partners and leverage their capabilities and experience working with the private sector.

The Government Technology & Services Coalition's Homeland Security Today (HSToday) is the leading news and information resource for the homeland security community, dedicated to elevating the discussion and insights that can support a safe and secure nation. HSToday, a non-profit magazine and media platform, provides readers with the full story, puts facts and commentary in context, informs the debate, and provides a realistic look at some of the nation's most vexing security challenges. We will promote innovative solutions.




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