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VW's Innovation Basket: Driving better with human-like technology.Check details

VW's Innovation Basket: Driving better with human-like technology.Check details


Posted by: HT Autodesk | Updated: April 28, 2024, 10:47 AM

The Volkswagen ID.Code concept promises to redefine the driving experience with innovative lighting technology. Equipped with innovative “3D Eyes”,

The Volkswagen ID.Code concept promises to redefine the driving experience with innovative lighting technology. With innovative '3D Eyes' and a new lighting system, ID.Code aims to create a human-like connection between driver and vehicle Read more Advanced features such as smart windows and Level 4 autonomy features With these features, Volkswagen's vision for the future of mobility is dynamic and immersive.

As automotive innovation continues to evolve, the Volkswagen Group continues to push the limits of lighting technology. While Audi, a prominent member of the group, has been leading the way in his LED lighting advancements, Volkswagen itself is now attempting to revolutionize the field of automotive lighting.

At the 2024 Beijing Motor Show, Volkswagen unveiled the ground-breaking ID.Code concept, introducing a paradigm shift in automotive lighting. At first glance, the ID.Code looks like a conventional SUV, with a minimalist layout and a modest cabin with four swivel seats. But what truly sets it apart is the technical prowess built into its design.

The “3D Eyes” system is a feature that tracks and observes individuals approaching a vehicle. Integrated into a comprehensive interactive lighting system, Volkswagen envisions this technology to be the basis of the future of autonomous driving. The centerpiece of the system is a “light cloud” strip of 967 LEDs placed between the headlights that can create his U-shaped “eyes” that simulate different facial expressions. Masu.

Also read: What the future holds for Volkswagen: A glimpse into the future of EV design.Check details

Complementing the light cloud is a discreet but powerful component located underneath, the 'light screen', which is seamlessly integrated with the vehicle façade. The transparently painted light screen displays a myriad of information, from weather updates to seasonal images, and facilitates dynamic and engaging interactions between the vehicle and its surroundings.

From smart lighting to smart windows

Adding to ID.Code's appeal are “smart windows” strategically placed in the vehicle's glass panels. These windows display human-like avatars that start conversations with people approaching, adding personalized interaction to the driving experience.

Volkswagen calls these technological wonders part of its “secret sauce,” an intangible essence that aims to infuse the driving experience with human-like friendship and communication in an age dominated by artificial intelligence. Appropriately called. With level 4 autonomy, his ID.Code facilitates seamless communication between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure, improving safety and efficiency on the road.

Inside the cabin, passengers are presented with a completely new environment, with front seat occupants able to rotate 180 degrees and communicate with rear seat occupants. Augmented reality technology further enhances the experience, projecting a human avatar onto the windshield for interactive engagement.

The ID.Code's exterior design exudes a sophisticated aerodynamic aesthetic reminiscent of grand touring vehicles, but Volkswagen remains committed to balancing functionality and elegance. As it is a concept car, details regarding the powertrain and production have not been disclosed.

First published: April 28, 2024, 10:47 AM IST




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