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Adopting green technology innovations is part of Saudi dual energy strategy

Adopting green technology innovations is part of Saudi dual energy strategy


Main findings

Although Saudi Arabia is investing in technological solutions to minimize carbon emissions, including renewable energy, protecting the oil industry remains a top priority. A key driver of the green transition in Saudi Arabia is to sustain the Saudi economy, prepare for the future, and reshape its national identity to reward innovation and entrepreneurship in the process. Saudi Arabia is positioning itself as a global leader by focusing on technological innovation and championing a tailored energy transition pathway.

Saudi Arabia is one of the world's largest oil exporters and has a single-source economy that relies heavily on oil revenues, but it is also seeking to establish itself as a leader in clean energy innovation. While this may be dismissed as mere greenwashing, country-specific green energy pathways can be understood as part of a broader redesign of Saudi Arabia's national identity.

Hydrocarbons are crucial to the Saudi economy. Still, as announced by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as part of the Saudi Green Initiative, the country aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2060 and achieve 50% of its electricity from clean energy sources by 2030. They have set ambitious goals such as generating electricity. Currently, approximately 60 GW is required to meet 50% of the country's electricity needs, but this figure is expected to increase significantly by 2030 due to projected population growth, urbanization, and industrial development. Masu.

Saudi Arabia recognizes the effects of climate change, including heat waves, desertification, biodiversity loss and water scarcity, and is investing heavily in renewable energy. However, the driving force behind these investments is not climate change mitigation, but an attempt to sustain and strengthen the Saudi economy through a dual strategy of protecting oil production and establishing itself as a global leader in clean energy innovation.

These dual objectives converge in a nationalist narrative that portrays Saudi Arabia as a balanced country, in contrast to Western-led appeals for an immediate end to fossil fuel production and consumption. This overview identifies the key rationale that informs Saudi Arabia's approach to emissions reductions, and how it is used to gain domestic legitimacy while positioning Saudi Arabia as a leader in technological innovation. It's clear.

the cleanest oil barrel

Saudi Arabia's approach is based on continued growth in global oil demand and aims to establish itself as the most competitive oil producer in three ways. First, we are promoting the concept of the cleanest barrel of oil. Although the emissions per barrel of crude oil vary, crude oil from Saudi Arabia is said to be the least damaging because reserves are readily available. Therefore, Saudi Aramco President and CEO Amin Nasser said that Saudi crude oil has significant greenhouse gas reduction potential.

Saudi Arabia's strategy combines a focus on protecting the country's oil industry with major investments in green energy technologies.

Second, Saudi Arabia's approach emphasizes that wind, solar and other renewable energy sources also have carbon emissions and other negative environmental impacts. This has led to frequent reference to tools such as life cycle analysis (LCA), which assesses the environmental impact of a product or process throughout its life cycle, from raw material extraction to end of life. Questions arise as to whether or not gas is appropriate. Not as bad as their reputation.

Third, there is a strong belief in the future development and scalability of technological solutions to minimize carbon emissions. This includes carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, which can reduce emissions by capturing and storing carbon dioxide emissions underground. However, these strategies may not be available at scale or may be used as a deliberate strategy to delay or weaken support for fossil fuel phase-out to protect the Saudi oil industry. It has been criticized for relativizing quantities.

Greening the energy mix

Saudi Arabia's strategy combines a focus on protecting the country's oil industry with major investments in green energy technologies. This includes the development and scalability of clean hydrogen technologies and, primarily, the development of solar power plants to harness the abundance of sunlight. However, by the end of 2023, only just over 1% of renewable energy has been installed, 6% is planned and 11% has been announced. Although the 50% target is ambitious, it is widely believed that the Saudi government is capable of achieving goals that other governments would find unattainable.

This concept is reinforced by mega-projects such as the Zero Carbon Emissions initiative in The Line, a futuristic city that has captured the global imagination. The oil industry, and in particular Aramco, one of the world's largest oil companies, is leveraging its vast resources and experience in large-scale energy infrastructure projects to invest in the energy transition. Financing green energy innovation with oil money is portrayed as working pragmatically within the existing system while building the system of the future. This rhetorical emphasis on order, stability, affordability, and equity suggests that the transition in Europe and North America should proceed at a different pace than that in developing countries.

The Line is a new urban area being built by Saudi Arabia that is envisioned to be just 200 meters wide, but 500 meters above sea level, 170 kilometers long and capable of accommodating 9 million people. It is expected to run on 100% renewable energy. This line is part of NEOM, which consists of various regions covering 26,500 square kilometers at the northern tip of the Red Sea.Social change through innovation

Although Saudi Arabia remains heavily dependent on oil export revenues, significant reforms have been implemented since the launch of the so-called Vision 2030, an economic reform plan focused on diversifying the Saudi economy in 2016. . All of these reforms focus on reducing domestic oil consumption, including by reducing energy subsidies, and increasing the long-term sustainability of the Saudi economy by reducing economic dependence on oil. . Therefore, an important aspect of renewable energy implementation in Saudi Arabia is the expectation that it will provide employment to the growing number of young people. The introduction of renewable energy is expected to increase the Saudi workforce in two ways.

First, the deployment of solar power systems is expected to require a large skilled workforce, including engineers and technicians who can design, install, and maintain these systems. There are also plans to update the country's electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure with smart grid technology to manage renewable energy on a large scale. The aim is to employ Saudi nationals as part of a deliberate workforce localization strategy. In 2023, Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman announced a program to localize 75% of jobs within the energy sector.

Second, the transition to renewable energy is seen as a digital transformation, which is expected to foster entrepreneurship and innovation and lead to new jobs in the broader technology sector. This includes significant government support for entrepreneurial start-ups and is aimed at attracting global investment from companies willing to partner with Saudi companies, such as ACWA Power. . ACWA Power has evolved from a small power company to a significant player in the global energy market due to: Saudi government supports renewable energy.

Leading the transition to green energy

The transition to renewable energy is part of a broader reform process aimed at transforming the Saudi state and identity into one made up of innovators and digital leaders. In this way, the introduction of renewable energy becomes part of an attempt to recalibrate Saudi identity towards a greater emphasis on entrepreneurship. This will be done by identifying and following a Saudi approach to climate mitigation that takes into account common but distinct responsibilities. Therefore, if critics see the Saudi oil industry's involvement in the green transition as potentially undermining the net-zero agenda, the Saudi state should ensure that these investments are sustainable rather than short-term moral solutions. It is envisioned as part of a commitment to possible long-term solutions. To take a stance.

Saudi Arabia's official position is that a balanced strategy is pragmatic and pragmatic, and that rapid escalation is inherently unfair because it does not take into account differences in global political and financial capacity and responsibility. This is in contrast to the Western-dominated concept of abolition. As a result, diverse layers of political, economic, domestic and global factors combine into a coherent narrative about an oil-financed, high-tech global energy future in which Saudi Arabia is poised to play a leading role. There will be a consolidation and realignment of Saudi national identity. .

This summary is based in part on interviews conducted by the author during a visit to Saudi Arabia in February 2024.




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