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Google's Mueller outlines path to recovery for sites damaged by core update

Google's Mueller outlines path to recovery for sites damaged by core update


Google search advocate John Mueller recently addressed the SEO community's concerns about site recovery after being impacted by algorithm updates.

The discussion comes as people question whether sites affected by September's beneficial content update will be able to regain lost traffic and rankings after future core updates.

The exchange comes after SEO expert Thomas Jepsen told Mueller that Google's previous position that the search engine “bears no grudge” and that the site will recover once the issue is resolved remains correct. It started when I asked.

“That remains the case,” MΓΌller acknowledged, but added: “Some reassessments will take longer (currently they can take several months) and larger impacts will require another update cycle. “There may be cases,” he warned.

That's still the case today. That said, some things take much longer to reevaluate (currently it can take several months), and some larger impacts require another update cycle. There are a few more at

β€” John πŸ§€ … πŸ§€ (@JohnMu) April 29, 2024

Dealing with prolonged disruption

Following Mueller's comments, confusion ensued over whether sites affected by useful content updates needed new core updates to recover lost rankings.

Mr. Muller clarified:

“…not every change requires another update cycle. In fact, I think more powerful effects will require another update. A core update can include many things. There is a sex.”

He likened core updates to ranking formulas and threshold adjustments, with the latter often requiring another update cycle.

For example, you can update the ranking formula and some thresholds. The effects of updated formulas are mostly persistent, and another update is often required to adjust for threshold changes.

β€” John πŸ§€ … πŸ§€ (@JohnMu) May 4, 2024

Eliminating concerns about persistence

There are concerns that sites affected by the September Helpful Content Update will be permanently classified, hindering future growth.

Mueller addressed these concerns and asserted that traffic could be restored by improving the quality of affected sites.

But Mueller said a full recovery to pre-renewal levels would be unrealistic.

He said:

“Permanent changes don't help much in a dynamic world…But the word 'recovery' means going back to the same state as before, and the world, user expectations, and the rest of the web… IMO is always unrealistic as continues to change. change. It's never the same as before. ”

Permanent changes are not very useful in a dynamic world. However, the word “recovery” means going back to the same state as before, which IMO is always unrealistic because the world, user expectations, and other parts of the web keep changing. It's never “the same as before.”

β€” John πŸ§€ … πŸ§€ (@JohnMu) May 6, 2024

When asked directly whether sites affected by useful content updates could see an increase in traffic if they improved in quality, Mueller said:

“Yes, your site can grow again even after being affected by 'HCU' (now a core update). This is not permanent. It takes a lot of work, time, and possibly update cycles, and different (updated) sites will have different search results. ”

Yes, the site can grow again even after being affected by “HCU” (well, it's a core update now). This is not permanent. It takes a lot of work, time, and sometimes update cycles. Also, different (updated) sites will have different search results.

β€” John πŸ§€ … πŸ§€ (@JohnMu) May 6, 2024

A long road ahead

Continuing the conversation on LinkedIn, Mueller emphasized that the recovery process is not specific to useful content updates or core updates, but applies to all types of systems and updates within Google.

Mr Muller says:

β€œβ€¦To be clear, Helpful Content Updates do not take longer to β€œrecover” than other updates. But some types of changes take a long time to build, and that's true for all kinds of systems and updates at Google and other large computer systems. It would be wrong and misleading to say that this is specific to the useful content system or core updates. ”

Mueller says there is no single simple solution to the recovery process, and understanding how to make your website relevant again can require deep analysis and a lot of work. I admitted that.

“However, 'core updates' include how our systems evaluate content as a whole, and how we determine that content is useful, reliable, and relevant to your queries. There is also an additional aspect. This doesn't respond to a single change made to a website, so in my experience it's not something a website can be tweaked and done overnight. Understanding how to make a website relevant in the modern world can require deep analysis, assuming the changes are consistent with what the website wants. As such, implementing those changes may require significant effort. ”

Finally, he added that recovery requires more than just solving technical problems. You may need to re-prioritize your business.

“These are not 'recoveries' in the sense of someone fixing a technical problem and getting back on track; they are essentially a change in business priorities (and companies are not doing that). may be selected).

Why SEJ is paying attention

Updates to Google's core algorithms can have a dramatic impact on your website's search visibility and traffic.

Clear guidance on recovery is important for impacted sites to set realistic expectations and chart a realistic path forward.

Mueller's insights reassure us that improvements are possible through strategic realignment to Google's current quality standards.

How this helps

Mueller's insights can help affected sites set realistic expectations for recovery.

With patience, thorough analysis, and persistence, regaining visibility is possible.

Mueller's statement offers the following points for sites affected by Google's updates:

Recovery is not out of the question, but it will require significant effort over multiple update cycles. Restoring previous tactics is not enough. Your site must evolve to meet changing user needs and Internet best practices. Detailed analysis is required to identify areas for improvement and realign your content strategy to the latest relevancy signals. As user needs evolve, it is unrealistic to return to previous ranking positions.

Featured image: rudall30/Shutterstock




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