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Google Pixel 8a final rumors — 4 things you need to know

Google Pixel 8a final rumors — 4 things you need to know


There's only one week left until Google I/O 2024 opens on May 14th. That means the Pixel 8a is likely to be announced in a week. Google's next mid-range smartphones typically debut at the company's developer conferences, so there's no better time than this to keep Google up to date on the latest news and rumors for his Pixel 8a.

Google's A-series phones offer many of the same specs and features as the flagship products Google released last fall. In this case, it's the Pixel 8 flagship model, which gives us a pretty good idea of ​​what the new phone will be like. The Pixel 8a will also likely feature the Pixel 8's Tensor G3 chipset, so many of the features coming to the new smartphone will also be easy to understand.

But there's a lot to know about the Pixel 8a ahead of its launch, likely next week. Before Google launches Pixel 8a, read what you might have missed.

Google Pixel 8a price: last minute rumors

Part of the appeal of Google's Pixel A series is that you can buy a phone for less than $500 with some premium features, especially when it comes to camera capabilities. Just before the Pixel 8a launch, there was some good news regarding pricing, if reports are accurate.

Let's start with the bad news. Early pricing rumors pointed to a price increase for the Pixel 8a in Europe and hinted at price increases in other regions as well. The Pixel 7a costs $499, which means it'll cost more than the magical $500.

But just last week, a well-established tipster on cell phone rumors priced the Pixel 8a at the same level as the Pixel 7a. We'll soon find out which rumor is correct, but for now we'll just hope the Pixel 8a's price stays the same as before.

Google Pixel 8a: Durable and colorful

(Image credit: Abhishek Yadav/X)

Just last week, a product information sheet was leaked showing off four colors for the Pixel 8a with a matte finish. These pages claim that the Pixel 8a will launch in black, white, blue, and mint, which is consistent with previous reports about the phone's colors (not to mention the Pixel 8 Pro options). there is no). There are some colorful differences compared to Charcoal, Snow, Sea (light blue), and Coral 7a.

Made from recycled materials, the Pixel 8a is also believed to be more durable, although the product information sheet doesn't specify which parts. It features Gorilla Glass 3 and is listed as IP67 waterproof. The sheet describes the phone as “the most durable Google Pixel ever.”

7 years of Android security support

One of the biggest questions heading into the upcoming Pixel 8a launch is how much security and software support Google intends to provide with the new smartphone. The Pixel 7a will receive three years of Android updates and an additional two years of security updates. The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro both offer plenty of enjoyment for his seven years.

So will the Pixel 8a be equipped with the same system-on-chip as the Pixel 8 models? A recently leaked Google ad promises seven years of security updates on par with the Pixel 8 flagship. I am. But the ad doesn't say whether it also applies to software updates. I hope Google makes this clear when announcing new phones.

“AI-mazing” update

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

Unlike Samsung's push for its new Galaxy AI, Google has been touting the AI ​​capabilities of its phones for a while. On Pixel 8, these features include Best Take, where you can swap faces to improve group shots, and a more natural voice assistant when using the Call Assist feature.

Presumably, these features will also arrive on the Pixel 8a thanks to the Tensor G3 chipset that is expected to be included in this smartphone. And perhaps Google will add new features to some of its tools to celebrate the launch of new phones. Circle to Search, a feature developed by Google with Samsung, is also featured on the Pixel 8, so we expect it to be included on the Pixel 8a as well.

Pixel 8a outlook

Google has set the bar pretty high for its mid-range A-series phone line. Whether or not the Pixel 8a is the last A-series smartphone, it looks like it might live up to that standard, especially thanks to recent rumors

We'll probably know more when Google shows off its new phone in a week. Surely by the end of the month we'll have a good idea of ​​what kind of devices Google has created.

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