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Will Microsoft and OpenAI become sworn enemies?

Will Microsoft and OpenAI become sworn enemies?


Microsoft and OpenAI have long had a complex, codependent relationship that always makes you want to sing Avril Lavigne (why does it have to be so complicated?).

It all started with Microsoft's $1 billion investment in OpenAI in 2019 and expanded with a $10 billion commitment in 2023, much of it in the form of cloud computing purchases rather than cash. I am. In exchange, Microsoft received the right to reuse OpenAIs models, became a minority shareholder in the for-profit part of the OpenAIs business, and was legally obligated to pursue the nonprofit's mission as a result.

This mechanism gives OpenAI special power. According to OpenAI, the company's nonprofit board plans to decide when the company will achieve its AGI (artificial general intelligence) in which AI will eventually surpass humans in economically valuable work. Once the board determines that he has reached AGI, such systems will be excluded from his IP license and other commercial terms with Microsoft. Translation: Once OpenAI achieves its stated mission of reaching AGI, Microsoft will likely no longer be able to access or profit from OpenAI's AGI-level technology.

Issues with OpenAI's nonprofit board surfaced with the sudden firing of CEO Sam Altmanand, who was quickly reinstated in November 2023. Before his firing, Altman said he and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella were far from frenemy territory and that their relationship was very good.

But recent developments make me wonder if the big tech companies and the $80 billion startups are becoming total enemies. In the end, Nadella was blindsided by Mr. Altman's ouster and learned of it mere minutes before the rest of the world. And on a joint episode of Altman's Drama Podcast, Pivot and On with Kara Swisher, he said: Also. That's it!

Microsoft is decidedly risk-averse these days. Less than two months ago, Microsoft announced the creation of a new organization called Microsoft AI, with Mustafa Suleyman, founder of DeepMind and co-founder of Inflection AI, as CEO. Microsoft also paid him $650 million for the intellectual property rights to Inflections. And yesterday, The Information reported that Microsoft is preparing a new, large-scale, cutting-edge AI model to compete with OpenAI (and Google and Anthropic). This new model, known internally as MAI-1, is overseen by Suleiman.

OpenAI's Altman, on the other hand, seems less focused on the parts of the business that benefit Microsoft and more focused on the company's relentless pursuit of achieving AGI. Speaking to students at Stanford University last week, he emphasized his belief that any expense to support that mission is justified.

Maybe there's someone somewhere at OpenAI who's more business-minded than me and is worried about how much they're spending, but I don't really care, he said. I don't care, I really don't care, whether we spend $500 million a year, $5 billion a year, $50 billion a year, he continued. I was making AGI for as long as I could find a way to pay the bills. It will be expensive.

It remains to be seen whether Microsoft will continue to invest in OpenAI due to its huge cost and unclear mission. After all, Microsoft's investment in OpenAI in 2019 was the result of Google's AI efforts, according to internal emails released last week as part of the U.S. Department of Justice's ongoing antitrust case against Google. He said he was very concerned that the company was expanding years ahead of its time.

In a 2019 email to Nadella and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott wrote that the company was years behind its competitors in terms of scale for machine learning. I am.

Of course, Microsoft is now considered the clear AI leader. Nadella appears to be shrewd with the multi-dimensional chess game to ensure his company doesn't fall behind again in his AI field. At the same time, the OpenAI drama continues. OpenAI is said to be planning to release an AI-powered search product similar to Perplexity that could compete with Google. But this morning, The Information reported that OpenAI may be postponing an event where its leaders were expected to share updates and show off product demonstrations, but the content of the event is It was unknown.

So are Microsoft and OpenAI outright enemies at this point, or will Nadella and Altman's bromance continue? As recently as January, the two sides showed unity during the Davos debate on partnership. But either way, Microsoft seems to be taking no chances.

So, here's some AI news.

Sharon Goldman [email protected]@sharongoldman

AI in news

Microsoft-backed Wayve has raised $1 billion for its AI-powered self-driving technology. London-based self-driving startup Wayve today announced a major $1.05 billion Series C investment round led by SoftBank and including new investor Nvidia and existing investor Microsoft . Founded in 2017, Wayve was the first company to develop and test a fully autonomous driving system powered by deep learning on public roads. The company announced today that it is building a foundational model for autonomous driving similar to “GPT for driving.”

The Met Gala will utilize a custom OpenAI chatbot. Chatbots are certainly popping up everywhere, but do we really need to have one at the Met Gala? Still, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that this year's exhibition featured New York socialite Natalie A custom chatbot installation using GPT-4 related to a 1930s wedding dress that Potter once wore was on display. The chatbot pretended to be Potter and answered visitors' questions about her life and clothes.

Apple is reportedly entering the AI ​​chip business. According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple is working on its own chips designed to run AI software in data centers. The effort, humorously dubbed Project ACDC (AI Chip Data Center), has been in the works for several years and builds on Apple's long-standing efforts to build chips for iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Mac computers. It seems like it was. It's unclear whether the new chip will be part of Apple's promised AI product announcements at its Worldwide Developers Conference in June.

Employers are receiving hundreds of identical AI-written cover letters from Gen Z applicants. It's perhaps no surprise that Gen Z, digital natives and young job seekers, are especially keen on using generative AI like ChatGPT to help with their searches. But it may be more shocking to hear that this cohort is less knowledgeable about how to use tools to help rather than hurt prospects. CNBC spoke to career consultants who said employers are receiving hundreds of cover letters that are identical word for word, and answers to job application questions that are exactly the same. Young people need to learn how to use ChatGPT properly instead of just copying the answers, added the career consultant.

AI's luck

OpenAI's Sam Altman doesn't care how much AGI costs: Even if it costs $50 billion a year, some breakthroughs for humanity are priceless by Christian Hetzner

The second-ever AI Film Festival walks the line between the past and future of the movie business on the runway by Allie Garfrinkle

A 2019 email from Microsoft's CTO to CEOs Satya Nadella and Bill Gates shows how intimidated the company was by AI rivals Google and OpenAI by Paolo Confino

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Divided AI regulation could harm the pursuit of progress and understanding where the guardrails lie by John Kell

Technology leaders crave the peace of mind that comes with AI in the cloud by John Kell

Do you have a calendar?

May 21-23: Microsoft Build in Seattle

June 5th: FedScoops FedTalks 2024 (Washington DC)

IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Singapore June 25-27, 2024

July 15-17: Fortune Brainstorm Tech in Park City, Utah (register here)

July 30th-31st: Fortune Brainstorm AI Singapore (Register here)

August 12th-14th: Ai4 2024 in Las Vegas

AI research

Meta-researchers say that predicting multiple “tokens” is key to improving the speed and accuracy of LLM. Large language models may seem incredibly smart, but in reality they're just predicting what the next word will be based on the billions of words they've been trained on. More specifically, it is trained on word fragments called “tokens.” Typically, LLMs predict one word at a time, but in recent studies, meta-researchers have improved the accuracy and speed of AI large-scale language models (LLMs) by having them predict multiple tokens at once. I am proposing to improve it. This study found that this technology could be a powerful tool for some LLM applications, making them faster and more accurate at a lower cost.

brain food

Met Gala AI deepfake fooled Katy Perry's mother. Is this a sign of things to come?

Last night's Metropolitan Museum of Art Annual Gala featured a glittering star and even more dazzling high fashion. However, while pop stars Katy Perry and Rihanna did not attend the event, AI images made it appear as if they were present, making it look like they were attending the event, which fit perfectly with the Met's “Sleeping Beauty: Fashion Awakens” theme. The fake fooled even Katy Perry's own mother. An AI image of Katy Perry in her flower-adorned long gown went viral on social media, with Perry eventually posting the caption, “I couldn't go to the Met, I had to work.” He also posted it on Instagram. This made many people wonder. Is this just the tip of her AI deepfakes iceberg? The answer is clearly yes.




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