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Featured: A winning takeaway panel with four Canadian tech founders

Featured: A winning takeaway panel with four Canadian tech founders


Leaders from Cohere, MedEssist, Transformer Lab, and Socratica shared their stories at the BetaKit Town Hall.

Last night, at the opening of the BetaKit Town Hall, BetaKit's new CEO Siri Agrell told a packed audience that storytelling is essential to the success of not just Canadian technology companies, but the sector as a whole.

If you want to be the best in the world at something, it's hard to stay in Canada. That needs to change.

Ivan Chan

As part of an event dedicated to understanding the current state of innovation, productivity and optimism in Canada, the BetaKit Town Hall will feature a diverse mix of early-stage founders, scaling founders, veteran repeat business owners, and more. We shared the stories of four entrepreneurs who are at every stage of their lives. Founder and newcomer to the ecosystem.

Joining BetaKit Editor-in-Chief Douglas Soltys on stage was Joella Almeida, CEO and co-founder of MedEssist, a digital healthcare platform dedicated to improving patient care and solving pharmacists' critical pain points. Ivan Zhang, co-founder of AI enterprise platform Cohere, is reportedly on track to raise his next round of funding at a valuation of $5 billion. Ali Asaria, founder of, Tulip Retail, and most recently Transformer Lab. Jocelyn Murphy is an engineering student at the University of Waterloo, host of Socratica, and founder of Wygo.

Related: Shopify CEO says Canada needs to overcome culture of aiming for bronze at Betakit City Hall

At the Vantage Point panel, which preceded Shopify CEO Tobi Ltke's top-liner fireside, each Canadian tech founder was asked to answer two key questions. What challenges and opportunities are you currently focusing on? What do they think needs to change in Canada's tech ecosystem?

Given the diverse group, the panel discussion highlighted some surprising commonalities, including the overlapping headaches of talent and revenue for early-stage startups like MedEssist and scale-ups like Cohere. And right after Asaria warns of the dangers of Canadian tech remaining trapped in its homegrown bubble, Murphy directly asks viewers for a new sense of community (Wygo is trying to address the loneliness epidemic). It was also characterized by sharp contrasts, such as the establishment of

Watch the full panel conversation on points of advantage below.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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