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Call for safety measures to prevent unwanted hauntings of deceased loved ones by AI chatbots

Call for safety measures to prevent unwanted hauntings of deceased loved ones by AI chatbots


Artificial intelligence that allows users to communicate with deceased loved ones via text or voice could cause psychological harm and even threaten those left behind without safety standards in place, according to researchers at the University of Cambridge. There is a risk of being digitally “possessed.”

Deadbot or Griefbot is an AI chatbot that uses the digital footprints left behind by the dead to simulate their language patterns and personality traits. Some companies already offer these services, providing a whole new type of after-death immersion.

AI ethicists at the Leverhulme Center for Future Intelligence at the University of Cambridge outline three design scenarios for the platforms that may emerge as part of the developing digital afterlife industry, highlighting the potential for carelessness in the high-risk field of AI. illustrating the potential outcomes of the design.

The study, published in the journal Philosophy and Technology, found that companies can use deadbots to secretly promote products to users as if they were a deceased loved one, or claim that their deceased parent is still with them. This highlights the possibility that this could cause children to suffer.

When a living person signs up to be virtually recreated after death, the chatbot allows the company to send unsolicited notifications, reminders, and reminders to surviving family and friends, akin to digital stalking by the deceased. It can be used to spam you with updates about the services your company offers.

Researchers argue that even people who initially derived a sense of security from deadbots can become drained by daily interactions that carry overwhelming emotional weight, but when a deceased loved one encounters a digital robot, If you have a long-term contract, there is a possibility that you will be powerless if your AI simulation is interrupted. Service after death.

Rapid advances in generative AI mean almost anyone with internet access and basic know-how could bring a deceased loved one back to life, said study co-author and author of the Cambridge Center for Future Intelligence (LCFI). said Dr. Katarzyna Nowaczyk Basiska, a researcher at . .

This area of ​​AI is an ethical minefield. It is important to prioritize the dignity of the deceased and ensure that this is not compromised by economic incentives such as digital post-mortem services.

At the same time, a person might leave an AI simulation as a parting gift to a loved one who is not ready to process grief in this way. The rights of data providers and those using AI postmortem services should be equally protected.

There are already platforms that offer AI reconstruction of the dead for a small fee, such as Project December, which started using the GPT model before developing its own system, and apps like HereAfter. Similar services are starting to appear in China.

One possible scenario in the new paper is MaNana. It is a conversational AI service that allows people to create a deadbot that simulates their deceased grandmother without the consent of the data provider (deceased grandparent).

In a hypothetical scenario, your adult grandchild, who is initially impressed and reassured by the technology, begins receiving ads once the premium trial ends. For example, a chatbot that suggests food delivery orders in the voice and style of a deceased person.

This relative feels it disrespects their grandmother's memory and wants Deadbot to stop, but in a meaningful way that the service provider hasn't considered.

Co-author Dr Tomasz Horanek, also from Cambridge LCFI, said people could develop strong emotional bonds through such simulations, making them particularly vulnerable to manipulation.

You should consider methods and even rituals to honorably retire your dead bots. This may mean, for example, a form of digital funeral, or other types of rituals depending on the social context.

We recommend designing protocols that prevent deadbots from being exploited in disrespectful ways, such as in advertising or an active presence on social media.

While Hollanek and Nowaczyk-Basiska argue that designers of reauthoring services should proactively seek consent from data providers before passing through, banning dead bots based on non-consensual providers is They claim that it is not possible.

They say the design process should include a series of prompts for those seeking to resurrect a loved one, such as “Have you talked to X about how you would like to be remembered?” I suggest. Therefore, the dignity of the deceased is brought to the fore in the development of Deadbots.

Another scenario discussed in the paper, a fictional company called Parent, highlights the case of a terminally ill woman who leaves a deadbot to help her eight-year-old son with his grieving process.

The Deadbot initially serves as a therapeutic aid, but the AI ​​begins to generate confusing responses as it adapts to the child's needs, such as depicting an impending face-to-face encounter.

The researchers recommend age restrictions for deadbots and call for meaningful transparency so users always know they are interacting with an AI. These may be similar to current warnings about content that may cause seizures, for example.

In a final scenario considered in the study by a fictitious company called Stay, an elderly person secretly takes care of themselves in hopes of comforting their adult children and getting their grandchildren to know them. It depicts him committing to Deadbot and paying a 20-year subscription fee.

After death, services begin. One of her adult children, uninvolved, receives a flood of e-mails in the voice of her deceased parent. The other one does, but ends up emotionally exhausted and racked with guilt over the fate of the Deadbots. However, suspending a deadbot would violate the terms of its parent's contract with the service company.

Horanek said it is important for digital afterlife services to consider the rights and consent of not only those reenacting, but also those who need to interact with the simulation.

These services risk causing great suffering to people if they are exposed to unwanted digital possession by incredibly accurate AI recreations of lost people. The potential psychological impact can be devastating, especially if you are already going through a difficult time.

Researchers are calling on design teams to prioritize opt-out protocols that allow potential users to end their relationship with deadbots in a way that provides emotional closure.

Added Nowaczyk-Basiska: The technology already exists, so we need to start thinking now about how to mitigate the social and psychological risks of digital immortality.




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