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Google defends lack of communication regarding search updates

Google defends lack of communication regarding search updates


Danny Sullivan, Google's head of search, said Google keeps the public informed about broad updates to its core algorithms, but not all the small changes and tweaks.

This comment was in response to Glenn Gabe's question about why Google doesn't provide information on volatility after the March core update.

It's nice to see Google informing us about the rollout of a broader core update, but why doesn't it also tell us when big changes that look like an extension of a broader core update will be rolled out? It’s great that the algorithm can be decoupled from broader core updates and run separately…

— Glenn Gabe (@glengabe) May 9, 2024

Gabe wrote:

“…when site owners think a major update is done, they don't expect crazy volatility that sometimes completely reverses what happened with the major update. 5/3 to 5/8 , and the impact of what unfolded on May 9 is strong.

Sullivan explained that Google continually updates its search ranking system, making approximately 5,000 updates a year across various algorithms and components.

Many of these are small adjustments that go unnoticed, Sullivan says.

“If we were to inform you about every ranking system update we make, it would be something like this.

Hello. It's 1:14 p.m. I just updated to system 112. Hello. It's 2:26 p.m. I just updated my system 34.

That's because we make about 5,000 updates a year. ”

This is explained on our long-standing page on core updates:

“We are constantly making updates to our search algorithms, including small core updates. We don't announce all of these because they generally don't get much attention. Still, when they are released…

— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) May 9, 2024

Google may consider these small changes, but these thousands of adjustments combined can result in big changes in rankings and traffic that your site needs to understand.

Google's more open communication could go a long way.

Continuous transition from web change

Beyond algorithmic adjustments, Sullivan pointed out that the nature of web content can also influence search results.

Google's ranking system continually processes new information, Sullivan explains.

“…Although the way the existing systems themselves operate, which have already been launched, have not been updated, the information they are processing is not static, it is constantly changing.”

Google focuses its communications on major updates rather than a never-ending stream of notifications about minor changes.

Sullivan continues:

“This type of periodic 'Update has been made' notification is not very helpful to creators. This type of update doesn't “do” anything. ”

Why SEJ is paying attention

Understanding that Google Search is an ever-evolving platform is essential for businesses and publishers who rely on search traffic.

It reiterates the need for a long-term SEO strategy that focuses on delivering high-quality, relevant content rather than responding to individual algorithm updates.

However, we recognize that Google's approach to announcing updates may leave businesses struggling to keep up with ranking movements.

Further insight into these changes would be valuable to many.

How this helps

Knowing that Google is processing new information in addition to algorithm changes may help you have more realistic expectations after a core update.

Rather than assuming stability after a major update, expect fluctuations as Google's systems adapt to new web data.

Featured Image: Aerial Photography Studio/Shutterstock




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