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Pennsylvania introduces agricultural innovation bill


(TNS) With budget negotiations underway in Harrisburg, the fate of a legislative push to fund new technology for Pennsylvania farmers hangs in the balance.

Gov. Josh Shapiro's proposed budget for next fiscal year, released in February, includes a $10.3 million investment in agricultural innovation.

State Rep. Paul Takac, a Centre County Democrat and member of the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, said Shapiro's proposal inspired him to introduce House Bill 2310, which would create a 13-member Agriculture Innovation Commission to allocate grants to farms, agribusinesses and agricultural support services that plan to implement innovative initiatives.

A month later, state Sen. Ryan Aument, a West Hempfield Township Republican, introduced a companion bill, SB 1269, along with Sen. Elder Vogel Jr., a Republican who represents Beaver, Butler and Lawrence counties.

“Lancaster County's farmland is some of the best in the world, so it is vital that we ensure that we are good stewards of this land through best agricultural practices,” Aument said. “Helping farmers gain access to cutting-edge agricultural technology will ensure Pennsylvanians have greater access to fresh, healthy food grown by Pennsylvania farmers and raised by Pennsylvania ranchers.”

The commission would be made up of the secretary of the state Department of Agriculture and Community Economic Development, an appointee from the State Conservation Board and four state legislators. The bill also lists six members to be appointed by Shapiro, including representatives from Pennsylvania universities and a veterinarian.

Takac and Vogel said they want the committee to take a broad perspective to ensure grants are awarded to the best projects. The committee plans to offer reimbursement grants to three types of projects: innovation planning projects, on-site projects and community impact projects.

“(An innovation planning project) could be a conceptual look at how a particular best practice or innovative new technology could be applied on farm and what the impact would be,” Takac said.

Grant recipients must contribute at least 30% of the funds provided in these grants, which range from $7,500 to $50,000.

Local projects introduce new technologies that benefit individual farms or agribusinesses. These grants range from $5,000 to $100,000. Regional impact projects benefit multiple farms or agribusinesses. These grants range from $100,000 to $2 million.

Grant recipients must contribute at least 50% of the funds provided under both the Local and Community Impact Project Grants.

Takac's bill passed the state House of Representatives on June 11, but a companion bill is still pending in the Senate.

Dr. Mark Gagnon, Harbaugh Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fellow in Penn State's College of Agriculture, is excited about the state's recent emphasis on agricultural innovation.

“Pennsylvania has the diversity and resilience to really allow the agri-food sector to thrive,” he said. “It makes a lot of sense to take the latest innovations and apply them to agriculture.”

Takac and Vogel noted that the bill does not include funding, and if Shapiro's proposed investments in agricultural innovation are rejected during budget negotiations, the bill will be left unfunded.

“Without the funding, there's no program,” Vogel said. “If we don't get the $10 million through the budget process here, it's just going to be a lame-duck bill.”

2024 LNP, Lancaster, Pa. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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