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The Times Architects climbed into crises


The Times Architects climbed into crises

Surgical school for refugees. Photo courtesy of CatalyticAction



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In the past few months, the architecture community has been trying to make its contribution to fighting the epidemic. The global spread of this crisis may have led to a coordinated effort, and hence a more visible effort, but this is not the first time that professionals in crises have escalated. Over the years, natural disasters and emergencies have identified many architects to participate in disaster relief initiatives, as well as a wide range of humanitarian work. In this article, we take a look at various occasions many architects and practices have made a great contribution to helping affected communities cope with hardship.


There are many design proposals for post-disaster architecture, but it is very rare for architects to have an opportunity to put their designs into practice, or to help affected communities in a concrete way. In light of recent global events, it is worth taking a look at how the architecture community contributes to its contribution to critical situations.

Shigeru Ban

Temporary Onagawa Residence by Shigeru Ban. Image © Hiroyuki Hirai

If one were to name the leading character in the engineering career in human engineering, it would probably be Shigeru Ban. Pritzker-winning architect is famous for his involvement and practical approach in responding to emergencies, having undertaken disaster relief projects around the world. He began his work in this field designing temporary homes with paper tubes for refugees from the Cuban earthquake in 1995. Around the same time, Ban created a network of volunteer architects to provide post-disaster assistance. Among his many initiatives, he created temporary housing after the 2010 Haiti earthquake and developed a multi-storey apartment complex made of shipping containers for victims of the 2011 earthquake in Unagawa. Ban also designed a temporary cardboard cathedral to replace the cathedral destroyed by the 2013 earthquake in Christchurch and create model housing for Nepal 2015 earthquake victims. In 2017, he signed an agreement with UN-Habitat to design 20,000 new refugee homes in Kenya.

Yasmin Larry

Yasmine Larry Women’s Center. Photo courtesy of the island

When the 2005 Pakistan earthquake struck, the architect Yasmin Larry decided to help, so she worked with affected communities to rebuild homes using materials on hand, such as bamboo and clay. Since then, she has helped build more than 36,000 homes for flood victims and earthquakes in her homeland, structures that have weathered subsequent natural disasters. In 2007, Larry also built community kitchens in refugee camps. The architect co-founded the Pakistan Heritage Foundation, an organization that, among other things, trains people from rural areas to make building components and products that they can convert later, helping these communities rise above poverty. Yasmine Larry recently received the 2020 Jane Drew Award for her intense humanitarian work over the past two decades.

Renzo Piano

Children’s Emergency Surgery Center. Photo courtesy of Archivio Emergency

After the 2016 earthquake destroyed several cities in central Italy, the architect based in Genoa was called in by the Italian Prime Minister at the time to lead the reconstruction effort and develop strategies for natural disaster prevention. As part of this initiative, Renzo Piano created a research group and created ten prototypes for anti-seismic housing to be built along the Abyan Mountains. In 2018, another tragic event struck Italy, with the collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa. In the aftermath of the disaster, a grand piano, himself, offered to donate a new bridge design to replace the old one. The structure was recently completed. Prior to these events, Renzo Piano also accepted the NGO request to design a new healthcare facility, the Center for Excellence in Pediatric Surgery, in Uganda, currently under construction.

Stefano Puri

Piazza del Gusto. Photo © Paulo Roselli

The earthquake in central Italy in 2016 led to the loss of centuries-old architecture, and the town of Amatris was the hardest hit. Stefano Boeri joined architect Renzo Piano in the reconstruction process, designing a new school canteen for Amatris. Backed by donations from all over Italy, as well as the architects themselves, the plan was a small first step towards rebuilding the heavily damaged area. The project then evolved into Piazza del Giusto square, with the surrounding buildings accommodating eight restaurants. The design included a range of different services, and was part of an effort to recreate jobs, resume economic activities and revive local tourism.


Playgrounds in refugee settlements. Photo courtesy of CatalyticAction

The charity and design studio began their humanitarian work in 2004, by providing educational spaces for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. Their approach aims to enhance the resilience of society by engaging users in the planning and building phases. In partnership with various NGOs and humanitarian organizations, CatalyticAction has designed and built several stadiums in refugee settlements in Lebanon. In 2016, the practice reused the donated materials used in the pavilion at the Expo in Milan to redevelop a surgical school for refugees, which had previously been located in a makeshift tent.

Alejandro Aravena

Villa Verde by elemental. Photo © Suyin Chia

The Pritzker award-winning architect is known for his efforts to promote social development and overcome inequality. The “semi-final home” became the signature of the ELEMENTAL studio, allowing governments to provide housing at a very low price, while continuing to build high-quality homes. This design strategy was combined with the replacement of an illegal settlement in Iquique or the Monterrey Housing Project in Mexico. The architect also played a key role in rebuilding the Chilean city of Constitucion after the 2010 earthquake and tsunami, which created a forest to mitigate the effects of future natural disasters, as well as the Verdi Housing Villa, a residential neighborhood for 484 affected families. To help in the absence of affordable housing around the world, as well as with rapid urbanization, Aravena has released four additional studio housing designs for the public for open source use.

The list could be longer but it is still able to demonstrate that in times of urgent need, there were architects who answered the call and helped. Whether this is commendable or simply part of the profession’s social responsibility is an open debate. These examples serve as a reminder that individual actions can make a fundamental difference to crises when people’s livelihoods are disrupted.


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