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UN, Haiti seeks $2 billion in aid in aftermath of earthquake

UN, Haiti seeks  billion in aid in aftermath of earthquake


Port-au-Prince, Haiti (AFP) – The United States, the European Union and other countries pledged $600 million in additional money Wednesday to help hundreds of thousands struggling six months after a powerful earthquake struck Haiti’s southern region.

Pledges made at a conference by the United Nations and the Haitian government fell short of an international effort to raise $2 billion to help the country rebuild from a 7.2-magnitude earthquake last August. An estimated 2,200 people were killed and more than 130,000 homes and about 1,250 schools were destroyed or damaged.

Amina Mohamed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, called the $2 billion figure “appalling,” but said Haiti needed international support.

We are aware that aid budgets are under pressure around the world. We also know that there is donor fatigue. And we heard, loud and clear, concerns about the results of aid in Haiti. “But this is not the time to give up,” she said.

Shortly after she spoke at the conference, which was held in a hotel in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince and also broadcast online, USAID pledged an additional $50 million in grants, the European Union more than $30 million in grants and Canada nearly 20 million. dollars, among other things.

Ariel Henry, Prime Minister of Haiti, thanked the international community for the solidarity it showed immediately after the earthquake, but said there was a lot of need to rebuild, especially in rural communities.

“The government is doing everything it can with the means at its disposal,” he said, adding that about $350 million is needed to start the reconstruction process.

Thousands of Haitians who lost their homes in the earthquake are still in makeshift camps in the southern port city of Les Cayes, still living in cramped shelters made of plastic, sheeting made of fabric and corrugated metal.

“We don’t live like humans,” said Joost Joseph Joslin, a 39-year-old electrician who runs a camp for more than 150 people. “Can you imagine people waking up without water to drink? Even food.”

He said the local authorities did not visit or assist them even though the camp is only a 10-minute drive from a main road. He noted that people have to walk miles to get a bucket of water.

“We’re alone,” Jocelyn said.

The Ariel administration estimates that more than $1 billion is needed for the social sector, including housing, $400 million for education, $55 million for food security, and $32 million for health needs. Additionally, officials say $142 million is needed for transportation infrastructure, $41 million for agriculture and $11 million for water and sanitation.

Officials say 70% of schools in the area have been destroyed, affecting 320,000 students.

Henry sought to allay any concerns about the mismanagement of previous aid flowing in the wake of the devastating 7.2-magnitude earthquake in 2010 that the government estimates killed between 200,000 and 300,000 people.

“My government has taken all measures to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past,” he said.

Henry’s administration is faced not only with trying to help Haiti rebuild after the recent earthquake, but also with recovering from the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in July, which deepened political instability. Haiti is also grappling with a surge in gang-related violence and kidnappings, as well as soaring inflation.

Just hours before international officials meet on Wednesday, thousands of factory workers took to the streets once again to demand higher wages. Currently, they make 500 gourdes ($5) for nine hours of work and are looking for at least 1,500 gourdes ($15) per day.

Protesters threw stones and tried to set a government building on fire when they clashed with police who fired bullets and tear gas to disperse the crowd.

“I don’t know how I’m going to go on living on the salary I get,” said Jean-Robert Jean-Louis.

The 36-year-old factory worker said he could hardly afford to work because of inflation. He said he had to walk several miles to catch the public bus, which was no longer near his home due to gang clashes on the ground.

Officials said the same violence made it extremely difficult for aid and volunteers to reach southern Haiti.

Mohamed, the UN official, noted that “Haiti is once again standing at a crossroads. … We have an immediate opportunity to break out of the cycle of crises that have hampered Haiti’s development for so long.”


Associated Press writer Evins Sanon published this story in Port-au-Prince and Associated Press writer Danica Couto wrote from San Juan, Puerto Rico. Pierre-Richard Loksama in Les Cayes, Haiti contributed to this report.




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