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When modern science discovers the fault zone of the Seattle earthquake is right next to your house | Seattle Times

When modern science discovers the fault zone of the Seattle earthquake is right next to your house |  Seattle Times


Earthquakes are personal. Amidst all the descriptions of public suffering lies your own story. And it belongs to me.

The fact that the earth has been moving under my feet has long brought me to mind, Bernard Hallett, who is now Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Washington. We are moderately knowledgeable because we live on Bainbridge Island, and one day when I ran into him, he was excited to inform me that the hill I live on is home to a fault in the Seattle earthquake zone. “Near your house.” “We just found her.”

It happened this way: in the mid-1990s, our utilities district decided to map Bainbridge’s watershed, something that required close knowledge of surface elevations. Previously, such an effort was considered futile because the island’s forests are so dense and of such a small area that their contours are impenetrably surrounded. There was no point in sending someone to read the earth, because the earth was not visible. In short, it wasn’t possible to accurately map the island’s surface elevations—at least until 1996, Hallet said, when the utility district hired a company called Airborne Laser Mapping (ALM) to make one.

ALM waited until the snow had cleared the last leaves from the parachute, then flew in with its new mapping equipment – a device called the Optech ALTM 1020. (Optech is now called Teledyne Optech, and its business is to produce laser-based scanning tools. Today, these tools are mostly mounted on drones , but in 1996, she was flying in planes.) It fired laser pulses at every point on the island, thousands of seconds, and these pulses, when they hit something solid, bounce back to it. Some bounced off the treetops or limbs, but most broke through the canopy, broke below the ground, and bounced off the ground. In this way, the utility area got its map.

Elevation is color-coded on the map, with the deepest green representing sea level and the deepest red representing the highest point on the island. Inevitably, the eye is directed to the north and south running lines of the map, which represent the manipulative effect of the northward retreating ice fingers. The north and south running lines are so profuse that unless one looks closely, nothing of east/west significance appears. However, said Hallet, the map was zoomed in, manipulated and thought over until someone noticed a line running – as fate willed – east and west through the hill on which I live. He told me all you have to do is walk a little north from your house, and you’re there. By the way: It’s an earthquake fault.

He seemed so happy the geologist’s way. Someone is so used to the vicissitudes of the earth that discovering an earthquake crack near my house was a source of joy.

I looked at it. Apparently, in the course of the earthquake—perhaps the most recent earthquake on the newly discovered fault—the ground under my house rose more than 20 feet.




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