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Half the defense, double the attack

Half the defense, double the attack


How would I describe this game? With a quote from the game Zones: “Half the defense, double the attack.” The philosophy of former Houston Rockets coach Mike D’Antoni found its way into another local sports arena where neither the Houston Dynamo nor the San Jose Earthquakes seemed particularly interested in their defensive responsibility. This feast or famine approach meant a feast for the Dynamo as a 4-3 win saw them reach fifth in the Western Conference by the time of the final whistle.

This leaves a famine for San Jose, who opened the 2022 MLS season with 6 games without a win, including losing to Red Bulls, Union and Minnesota United prior to this game. This streak could continue further with Nashville, Sounders, and New York City in this next timeline.

Sebas Ferreira and Jeremy Ibobis both had a prop. The Ebobisse double eliminated an early deficit and gave Quakes a podium to win in the first half.

Ferreira’s goals smashed Dynamo’s attacking 3-point effort on the night as Paraguay DP opened their 2022 account. Houston smashed his transfer record to sign him, and perhaps this is the match that kicks off the payoff. His goals were crucial in Houston as he achieved what Texas rivals Austin FC couldn’t do against the COEX last week: beat them.

The Houston Dynamo beat San Jose in an exciting MLS classic

If the offensive output cheered the fans alike, the defense caused pain and frustration. Fortunately for Houston, they have a dearth of MLS: a defensive DP. Zimbabwean international teenage Hadby showed his value in scoring the third goal for Dynamo and putting out some fires on the other end. Unfortunately, the injury had to give up as veteran Tim Parker, 29, with two USMNT cardiologists, carried the baton to the finish.

Francisco Calvo looked hugely wrong at the San Jose Earthquakes defensively, but he and a few other players were guilty of not closing play quickly enough and responding slowly to rebounds and blocking shots. It’s no secret that without the best defender Nathan, conflict is inevitable, but Calvo needs to find a way to pass on his strong Costa Rica performance to his team.

In another game that appears to feature half defense and double attacking, the Houston Dynamo will host the Portland Timbers for their next NBA game.

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Quick Match Report

Saturday, April 9, 2022 7:30 a.m. local start time

Houston Dynamo 4-3 San Jose Earthquakes

8′ 1-0 Ferreira (Lundqvist)

25′ 1-1 Ibobisi (Coel, Espinosa)

28′ 1-2 Ibobisi (Gregus)

43′ 2-2 Quintero

57′ 3-2 Hady

68′ 4-2 Ferreira (Picault, Dorsey)

77′ 4-3 Thompson

yellow cards

Dynamo: 18′ Quintero, 27′ Ferreira, 58′ Hadby (celebration), 63′ Picoult.

Earthquakes: 20′ Mari, 22′ Lopez

Dinamo squad (4-3-3; Paulo Nagamura)

Goalkeeper: Steve Clark (USA)

Right-back: Griffin Dorsey (USA)

CB: Ethan Bartlow (USA)

CB: Teenage Hadebe (ZIM/DP)

Left-back: Adam Lundqvist (Sweden)

CDM: Matias Vera (ARG)

CM: Darwin Quintero (COL)

cm: Adalberto Carrasquilla (PAN)

RW: Tyler Basher (Canada)

Striker: Sebastian Ferreira (PAR/DP)

LW: Vava Picoult (USA)


71′ Thorleif Úlfarsson (ISL) for Ferreira and Memo Rodríguez (US/HG) for Quintero

76′ Cory Bird (USA) by Basher

88′ Tim Parker (USA) for Hadby (injury) and Darwin Sirin (SLV) for Carraquilla.

Unused subs: Michael Nelson, Sam Junkoa, Zaryk Valentine (Bor), Zika (Brazil)

Earthquakes lineup (4-1-4-1; Matias Almeida)

Goalkeeper: JT Marcinkowski (HG)

Right-back: Paul Marie (France)

CP: Tanner Bison

Central Defence: Francisco Calvo (CRC)

Left-back: Marcos Lopez (PER)

Defending midfielder: Jackson Yoel (captain)

CDM: Jean Gregos (SVK)

Right midfielder: Cristian Espinosa (Argentina) (DP)

Attacking midfielder: Jamiro Monteiro (CPV)

LM: Cady Coyle (HG)

ST: Jeremy Ibobisi (CMR)


64′ Tommy Thompson on Lopez and Eric Remedy (ARG) on Marie

69′ Osini Boda (BFA) for Cowell

82 ‘Siyad Haji (Som) wearing

Unused subs: Matt Bersano, Jack Scahan, Oscar Agren (Sweden), Niko Tsakiris (HG), Will Richmond (HG)




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