A study concludes that the eruption of the Tonga volcano is the largest ever recorded
The volcanic eruption in Tonga was the largest eruption ever recorded by modern sensors.
It was so powerful that the force lifted the cloud over the UK and caused small tsunamis in the Mediterranean.
A couple of research papers published in Science reviewed the data and found that the massive eruption of the underwater volcano at Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai in January was much larger than any volcanic event in the 20th century. Umbrella cloud caused by the underwater eruption of the Hengja Tonga-Hung Hapai volcano on January 15, 2022 (NASA/Joshua Stevens/GOES/NOAA/NESDIS)
The papers also compared it to atomic bomb tests conducted after World War II and found that they paled in front of the sheer scale of the explosion.
Only the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa – which is believed to have killed more than 30,000 people – rivaled the resulting atmospheric turbulence.
“Tonga was a really global event, just like Krakatoa, but now we have all the geophysical monitoring systems and they’ve recorded something really unprecedented in recent data,” Dr Robin Matusa, from the University of California, Santa Barbara, told BBC News.
While the Hunga Tonga-Hung Hapai eruption, and the subsequent ash cloud and tsunami, were almost not catastrophic, its effects on those tens of thousands of kilometers away surprised even scientists.
The papers discuss at length a phenomenon called Lamb waves – essentially a form of shock wave – named after the mathematician Horace Lamb in the early 20th century.
They are energetic waves in the air that travel at the speed of sound and are able to maintain their shape along a path directed by the planet’s surface.
In this image provided by the Royal Australian Navy, a resident of Nomuka Island in Tonga clears debris on February 26, 2022, following the January 15, 2022 eruption of the Hong Tonga Hunga Hapai volcano and the subsequent tsunami. Three months after a devastating volcano and tsunami hit Tonga, the Associated Press is checking how the island nation has recovered. The tsunami bill is estimated to be around $90 million, and GDP is expected to fall by more than 7% this year. Cleanup is obstructed by an apprentice (AP)
Scientists found that convective wave pulsations from the Tonga eruption were seen orbiting the Earth at least four times.
In Reading, England, more than 16,000 kilometers from Tonga, pulses began arriving about 14 hours after the eruption of the Hong Tonga Hung Hapai volcano and immediately raised clouds.
“At the time, we had a laser cloud base recorder looking at the base of the cloud, and as the wave was going through the cloud it was turbulent,” Professor Giles Harrison, an atmospheric physicist at the University of Reading and co-author of one of the papers, told the BBC.
“If you wanted proof that the atmosphere is something remarkably interconnected, this was it. And what’s happening on one side of the planet can spread to the other side at the speed of sound.”
When convection waves combined with ocean waves after a volcanic eruption, they caused tsunamis—not only in Tonga, New Zealand, and other parts of the Pacific Ocean, but in the Atlantic and Mediterranean as well.
Aerial reconnaissance images show the extent of the damage in Tonga
People also heard the shock waves heard around Aotearoa, 10,000 kilometers away in Alaska.
The ultrasound signal was picked up by a global network of detectors set up to monitor compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which indicated that the explosion produced an atmospheric pressure wave similar to the largest nuclear explosion ever—the Tsar Bomba detonated by the Soviets in 1961—but it lasted four times.
New research remains to be done on the cause of the tsunami that struck the Tonga Islands in the immediate aftermath. Examination of the sea floor will determine how much, if any, part of the volcano’s collapse has contributed.
Sources 2/ https://www.9news.com.au/world/tonga-volcanic-eruption-biggest-explosion-ever-recorded-study-finds/f43c9bc9-a93f-458a-8af6-d84cb7117713 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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