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The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs caused the “mega earthquake” for months

The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs caused the “mega earthquake” for months


The extinction of the dinosaurs occurred when a 10-kilometre asteroid hit Earth.


66 million years ago, an asteroid 10 km long struck the Earth, which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. New evidence suggests that the Chicxulub collision also caused an earthquake so massive that it shook the planet for weeks to months after the impact.

The amount of energy released in this “mega earthquake” is estimated at 1023 Joules, about 50,000 times more than the energy released in the 9.1-magnitude Sumatra earthquake in 2004.

Hermann Bermudez will present evidence of this “huge earthquake” at the upcoming GSA Connects meeting in Denver on Sunday, October 9.

Earlier this year, with support from a GSA graduate student research grant, Bermúdez visited the outcrops of the infamous Cretaceous Paleogene mass extinction event in Texas, Alabama and Mississippi to collect data, complementing his previous work in Colombia and Mexico documenting evidence of the catastrophic impact.

In 2014, while doing field work on Colombia’s Gorgonilla Island, Bermúdez found spheroidal deposits – layers of sediment filled with tiny (1.1 mm) glass beads and fragments known as ‘tektites’ and ‘microtectites’ that were ejected into the atmosphere during an asteroid impact. .

These glass grains formed when the heat and pressure of the impact melted and dispersed the Earth’s crust, ejecting tiny dots of molten into the atmosphere, which then returned to the surface as glass under the influence of gravity.

The exposed rocks on the coast of Gorgonella Island tell a story from the ocean floor – about 2 km away. There, about 3,000 kilometers southwest of the impact site, sand, mud and small ocean creatures accumulated on the ocean floor when the asteroid impacted.

Clay and sandstone layers 10-15 meters below the sea floor have undergone the soft sediment deformation that is preserved in today’s outcrops, which Bermúdez attributes to vibration from the impact.

The faults and distortion caused by the vibration persist through the ball-rich layer that was deposited after the impact, indicating that the shaking must have continued for the weeks and months that it took for these fine sediments to reach the ocean floor. Just above those globular deposits, preserved fern spores indicate the first recovery of plant life after the impact.

Bermudez explains, “The section I discovered on Gorgonilla Island is a great place to study the K-Pg boundary, because it’s one of the best preserved and was located in the depths of the ocean, so it wasn’t affected by the tsunami waves.”

Evidence of deformation from the massive earthquake is also preserved in Mexico and the United States. In an exposure to El Papalote in Mexico, Bermudez observed evidence of liquefaction—when strong vibration causes water-saturated sediment to flow like a liquid.

In Mississippi, Alabama, and Texas, Bermudez has documented faults and fissures likely related to the massive earthquake. He also documented tsunami deposits in several outcrops, left by a massive wave that was part of successive disasters caused by the asteroid impact.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by the NDTV crew and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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