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Tim Southee’s post-Syria storm made history by scoring a hat-trick at the end

Tim Southee’s post-Syria storm made history by scoring a hat-trick at the end


Mount Maunganui: In the 2nd T20 International between India and New Zealand, Suryakumar Yadav bowled first and, at last, Kiwi bowler Tim South took 3 wickets in 3 consecutive balls. This is his second hat-trick in international T20 cricket, while becoming only the second player in the world after Sri Lanka’s Lasith Malinga to do so. Tim Southee took the wickets of Hardik Pandya, Deepak Hooda and Washington Sundar in the third, fourth and fifth balls from the over.

Hardik Pandya became the first victim, Hardik Pandya wanted to hit a slam dunk against Tim Southee on the third ball from the last, but the ball didn’t come on the bat and Jimmy Neesham caught the catch away and ended Hardik’s innings. He got out after scoring 13 runs in 13 balls.

Deepak Hooda could not open an account on the next ball, new batsman Deepak Hooda tried to play a fast putt, but missed. The rest of the action was completed by Lockie Ferguson easily catching the ball with a short fine. He was unable to open the account and so the second wicket in a row was in Saudi’s name. Saudi Arabia and Suriyakumar are seen standing at the other end smiling at each other.

Washington Sundar became the victim of a hat trick. There were fewer balls so there was no time to think. The Saudis knew that whoever entered the ground would try to shoot. The same thing happened. Sundar played an aerial shot and the timing wasn’t right, so the ball went up. Jamie Neisham caught the run from a long distance and Saudi Arabia got a hat-trick.

He achieved the first hat-trick against Pakistan, and this was the second Saudi hat-trick. Earlier, the Kiwi basketball player took the lead against Pakistan in Auckland in 2010-11, dismissing Younis Khan, Mohammad Hafeez and Omar Gul.

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