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Search efforts intensified after the Indonesia earthquake that killed at least 268 people

Search efforts intensified after the Indonesia earthquake that killed at least 268 people


Suharyanto, who like many Indonesians uses one name, said aid is reaching thousands of people left homeless who have fled to temporary shelters where supplies can only be distributed on foot over bad terrain.

He said rescuers recovered three bodies on Wednesday and rescued a 6-year-old boy who was found alive next to the body of his grandmother after spending two days trapped under the rubble of his collapsed home.

Television reports showed police, soldiers and other rescue personnel using jackhammers, circular saws and sometimes their bare hands and farming tools, digging desperately in the hardest-hit area of ​​Cijendil village where tons of mud, rocks and trees were left behind from the landslide.

The government seems focused on finding the bodies and, where possible, the survivors. Authorities struggled to get tractors and other heavy equipment over washed-out roads after the quake triggered landslides in small mountain villages.

But residents said the government was slow to respond to the quake.

Muhammed Tahir, 48, was sitting in his living room with his family in Cijendil when disaster struck. Although his family managed to survive, his sister and her two children were destroyed in a landslide, a few kilometers (miles) from his home.

“When I came to my sister’s house, I was shocked by what I saw,” said Taher. Landslides destroyed dozens of homes. … I feel like doomsday.”

He said more than 40 homes in his sister’s neighborhood of Cijendil were buried under tons of mud with at least 45 people buried alive, including Thohir’s sister and her two children.

Tohir, along with other residents of the area, searched for the missing people using farm tools and managed to retrieve two bodies buried under 6 meters (10 ft) of mud. Two days later, rescuers arrived to assist in the search.

“The government is very slow to respond to this disaster,” Thohir said. “They should bring in heavy equipment to speed this up,” he said.

But he said he wouldn’t give up until they could dig his sister and nieces out of the mud.

In many hard-hit areas, water, food and medical supplies have been distributed from trucks, and the authorities have deployed military personnel carrying food, medicine, blankets, field tents and water tanks.

Volunteers and rescuers set up more temporary shelters for those left homeless in several villages in Cianjur district.

About 800 policemen, soldiers and volunteers dug through the rubble with their bare hands, shovels and picks as their efforts were hampered by heavy rain.

Arif Yulianto, the search and rescue coordinator, said the search efforts were halted on Wednesday afternoon due to heavy rains which made the landslide areas unstable. The operation is scheduled to resume early Thursday.

Most of them were barely sheltered by the makeshift shelters hit by the heavy monsoon rains. Only a few were fortunate enough to be protected by tarpaulin-covered tents. They said they were running out of food, blankets, and other aid, as emergency supplies were rushed to the area.

More than 58,000 survivors have been taken to shelters, Suharyanto said, and 2,043 people have been injured, and nearly 600 of them are still receiving treatment for serious injuries.

He said rescuers have recovered bodies from collapsed houses and from landslides caused by the quake, and about 40 people are still missing. But not all of the 271 dead have been identified, so it is possible that some of the bodies recovered from the rubble are of people listed as missing.

Suharyanto said rescue operations have focused on about a dozen villages in Cianjur, where he believes people are still trapped.

In a press conference Wednesday, Suharyanto said that more than 56,230 homes in Cianjur have been damaged.

Indonesia is frequently hit by earthquakes, much stronger than Monday’s quakes whose magnitude is usually expected to cause little damage. But the area is densely populated, and experts said the earthquake’s shallowness and inadequate infrastructure contributed to the extensive damage, including collapsed roofs and large piles of brick, concrete and corrugated metal.

The epicenter was in the mountainous, rural district of Cianjur, where one woman said her house began “shaking as if it was dancing”.

More than 2.5 million people live in the Cianjur district, including about 175,000 in the main town of the same name.

Ridwan Kamel, governor of West Java, said many of the dead were government school students who had finished their lessons that day and were taking additional lessons in Islamic schools when the buildings collapsed.

President Joko Widodo visited Cianjur on Tuesday and pledged to rebuild infrastructure and provide government assistance of up to 50 million rupees ($3,180) for each resident whose house was damaged.

The country of more than 270 million people is frequently hit by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis due to its location on the arc of volcanoes and fault lines in the Pacific basin known as the “Ring of Fire”.




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