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A series of large earthquakes were felt in northern Alberta in Edmonton, Grand Prairie and BC

A series of large earthquakes were felt in northern Alberta in Edmonton, Grand Prairie and BC


Three of the potentially largest earthquakes ever recorded in Alberta were reported in northern Alberta on Tuesday.

According to Earthquakes Canada, three seismic events were recorded on Tuesday: one magnitude 5.8 earthquake and two magnitude 5.2 earthquakes.

“A series of earthquakes occurred in northwestern Alberta. The largest was preceded by a M 5.8 earthquake, two M5.2 earthquakes, and followed by many more felt events,” reads a post on Earthquakes Canada.

Aftershocks measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale were detected around 7:55 pm GMT.

A 5.8-magnitude earthquake is strong enough to cause potential damage, but there have been no reports of damage yet, said Joseph Farrugia, a seismic analyst with Natural Resources Canada.

“Earthquakes in Alberta are not unusual, but earthquakes in Alberta don’t tend to be that high,” Farrugia said. “This is definitely one of the largest earthquakes that has happened in Alberta… It’s uncommon and certainly scary for people who live in the area.”

Farrugia said smaller aftershocks are possible in the region over the next few days, although not all of them will be felt.

Earthquake reports are often reviewed. The magnitude 5.8 earthquake was previously reported as a magnitude 6.0. However, the 5.8 quake would be the strongest natural earthquake ever reported in Alberta. Farrugia said Tuesday’s reports are still preliminary, but that a revised figure will be available the next day.

The strongest natural earthquake in the province – with a magnitude of 5.4 – occurred in April 2001 near the Alberta-BC border, about 40 km northeast of Dawson Creek, BC.

A report published by Earthquakes Canada locates a 5.2-magnitude earthquake 29 kilometers east-northeast of the village of Reno, Alta., which is about 360 kilometers northwest of Edmonton in the Peace River region and 200 kilometers northeast of Dawson Creek, BC.

The depth of the earthquake was estimated at four kilometers, and it occurred at about 4:45 pm

A second, more serious earthquake was recorded around 5:55 p.m. Tuesday near Reno. It was reported to have a magnitude of 5.8 and occurred at a depth of 2 km.

According to the Earthquakes Canada website, the event would have been “strongly felt in the surrounding area”. Citizen reports of the earthquake show it was also felt in Edmonton, Calgary, and Fort McMurray as well as other communities in Alberta and northern British Columbia.

“The geology east of the Rocky Mountains is one that favors seismic energy travel much more easily than in the Rocky Mountains and in British Columbia where the geology is very complex,” said Farrugia.

“So it is not surprising that people felt this earthquake at great distances.”

Carmen Langer, a farmer in Three Creeks, Alta., who lives in the area and says his house shook all day.

“I was walking up the stairs from the basement and it felt really strange on the stairs,” he said. Then I went up and went into my kitchen and things were shaking and [the] The chandelier was moving and the lamps were moving.”

Before Tuesday’s quakes, at least three other events were recorded in Reno, Alta. Area over the past week – Two earthquakes of magnitude 4.1 and one of magnitude 4.5.




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