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Humboldt County earthquake: A 6.4-magnitude earthquake near Ferndale cuts power to 71,000, damaging homes and roads; 2 hurts

Humboldt County earthquake: A 6.4-magnitude earthquake near Ferndale cuts power to 71,000, damaging homes and roads;  2 hurts


A 6.4-magnitude earthquake shook parts of northern California early Tuesday, waking people up, causing widespread damage and leaving thousands without power, the US Geological Survey said.

Cal OES officials provide an update on the state’s response to the earthquake. You can watch the live broadcast in the video player above.

The quake occurred at about 2:34 a.m. near Ferndale, a small community in Humboldt County.

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Dozens of aftershocks followed.

Approximately 71,000 customers are currently without power in Humboldt County, according to, which tracks outages across the country. This represents 71% of customers in the county. PG&E said its goal is to get power back to those customers by 10 p.m

Sheriff William Honsal told ABC7 News that dozens of people have been injured and that number is expected to rise.

They have confirmed two of the injuries are related to falls, said Humboldt County Sheriff Samantha Cargis.

Cargas confirmed that rescue operations were carried out on Tuesday morning, saying “Yes, two structures collapsed with a trap.”

She says she cannot at this time determine whether these are the same two injured people or if the two rescued people were injured.

Emergency officials say “widespread damage” has been reported to roads and homes across Humboldt County. PG&E says it has begun its emergency response plan and its crews are responding to gas and electrical hazards.

According to Karges, the Rio del region has been hit hardest.

It’s “total chaos” in the city, with homes outside her foundation and no electricity or water in the city after a major water outage, Michelle Bushnell, the county 2 county superintendent of Humboldt County, told ABC7 News. “We just had a structural fire that was just put out.”

Residents of the area post videos showing the damage to their homes. There are reports of gas leaks in the area and at least one bridge has a large crack.

Out of an abundance of caution, Fernbridge — which connects to Ferndale — will be closed for further inspection, according to Senator Mike McGuire. CalTrans will remain on the scene to assess the structure.

People in the Bay Area have received alerts from the MyShake app, warning about shaking. There were no reports of the people of the Gulf region earthquake.

This earthquake did not trigger a tsunami warning.

PG&E issued the following statement: “The safety of our customers, employees, contractors, and the communities we serve is PG&E’s top priority. PG&E is urging its customers to be safe in the aftermath of a 6.1-magnitude earthquake and aftershocks that affected the Humboldt area. The company has begun its emergency response plan and its crews are responding to gas hazards and electricity.PG&E is assessing its gas and electric system for damage and is doing everything possible to minimize power and gas outages.Our evaluation could take several days.We have approximately 68,000 customers without electricity.We urge customers to be very careful around buildings they severely damaged and prepare for more aftershocks that could cause more destruction and hazards. PG&E would like customers to report damaged power and gas lines from a safe location to the utility toll-free line at 1-800-743-5002.”

Stay tuned with ABC7 News for updates on this developing story.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Click here for the latest stories and videos about earthquakes here in the Bay Area and around the world, and click here for more information on disaster preparedness.

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