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War-ravaged northern Syria desperate for help after quakeExBulletin

War-ravaged northern Syria desperate for help after quakeExBulletin


People walk near collapsed buildings on Thursday in the town of Jenderes, in the Syrian province of Aleppo, days after a massive earthquake devastated the area. Mr. Ghaith / AP .

. Ghaith al-Sayed/Associated Press

People walk near collapsed buildings on Thursday in the town of Jenderes, in the Syrian province of Aleppo, days after a massive earthquake devastated the area.

Ghaith Al-Sayed/AFP

JINDIRES, Syria – Muhammad Jumaa sleeps on a pile of rubble that destroyed his family while he was alive. On frigid nights, the 20-year-old and others in this town – still dazed and in shock – would burn belongings found in the ruins for heat.

For five days they were waiting for help. Nothing came.

In neighboring Turkey, roads have become jammed with trucks hauling everything from excavators to food, blankets and medicine to the quake disaster zone. Thousands of tons of aid have poured in from countries around the world. The arrival of special equipment to uncover those still trapped under the rubble means that – days after the earthquake – lives are still being saved.

By contrast, across the border in northwest Syria, residents of the town of Jenderes heard the cries of those trapped under the rubble, but without the proper machinery and equipment, were powerless to rescue them.

Now, the voices fell silent.

“We don’t understand. Why are we alone?” Mahmoud Haffar asked the mayor of Jenderes.

Personal belongings, Friday, in Jenderes, Syria, amid the rubble of a destroyed building. Ruth Sherlock/NPR .

Caption switch Ruth Sherlock/NPR

Personal belongings, Friday, in Jenderes, Syria, amid the rubble of a destroyed building.

Ruth Sherlock/NPR

In a rare visit to this rebel-held enclave in a country riven and cut off by more than a decade of civil war, NPR saw no international rescue crews; No truckloads of machinery or medical aid; No ambulance streams to rescue the injured. The border crossing into Syria was empty and silent.

Muhammad Jumaa said that his wife, Alia, and their two children — 20-month-old Ali and 6-month-old Hussein — were alive after their house collapsed on top of them. Juma and his neighbors pulled smashed concrete for hours until their hands bled, but the effort was in vain.

Now the Syrian Civil Defense teams use the few excavators they have to recover the dead. On Friday morning in Jenderes, at least 850 bodies were pulled from the rubble. Zakariya Tabakh, 26, remembers cradling his two-year-old son Abdulhadi to sleep and laying him in his bed, where he was killed by falling debris. A cook’s wife died in bed beside him. He said that few friends were able to come to the burial because they were too busy burying their loved ones.

Syrian Civil Defense workers in the town of Jenderes dig through the rubble of a collapsed apartment building in search of a 13-year-old boy and four other people on Friday. Ruth Sherlock/NPR .

Caption switch Ruth Sherlock/NPR

Syrian Civil Defense workers in the town of Jenderes dig through the rubble of a collapsed apartment building in search of a 13-year-old boy and four other people on Friday.

Ruth Sherlock/NPR

At one site, prospectors lifted huge chunks of concrete and twisted iron bars, looking for a 13-year-old boy. Hundreds more are missing.

The earthquake is only the latest atrocity to be experienced by the people of this region.

Many of its 4.6 million residents have fled from other parts of the country, seeking safety from the barrel bombs and airstrikes of the Syrian regime and its ally Russia.

After years of war, they are left with nothing. Tens of thousands now live with almost no access to basic services in makeshift tents set up in olive groves where mud clogs and burdens the legs of children playing outside.

Even before the earthquake, the United Nations said 4.1 million people needed humanitarian aid. The Syrian regime considers the provision of aid to these opposition-held areas across the border from Turkey a violation of its sovereignty. The government, along with allies Russia and China, repeatedly vetoed votes in the United Nations Security Council to preserve more aid routes into Syria from Turkey.

Relief convoys are only allowed through one border point, Bab al-Hawa. But the roads between the UN supply center in Turkey and this border point were damaged in the earthquake, so for several days other open border crossings with Syria remained unused and no aid arrived.

Local residents walk near a destroyed water tank in the Syrian town of Soran, Friday, days after the devastating earthquake that hit the area. Sloan George/The Washington Post via Getty Images .

Caption switch Salwan Georges/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Local residents walk near a destroyed water tank in the Syrian town of Soran, Friday, days after the devastating earthquake that hit the area.

Sloane George/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Less than an hour’s drive from one of the open border crossings, there is now no running water in the town of Soaran. On one side of the main street is the destroyed Turki family home, where nine people died, including five children. On the other side of the road, a family of seven was killed. Neighbors said they moved to Sawaran after fleeing their home in Khan Sheikhoun, where the Syrian government attacked residents with the nerve agent sarin in 2017, killing 89 people.

“The world has left us to our fate in confronting the criminal Bashar al-Assad. But this is a natural disaster,” said Ibrahim Bakour, a member of the local council. “There is no political argument here; it is a humanitarian situation and we need help.”




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