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‘I thought it was an earthquake’ says teen whose house was hit by a tornado

‘I thought it was an earthquake’ says teen whose house was hit by a tornado


A teenager from Greymouth thought her home had been rocked by an earthquake, when a small tornado swept through her home on Monday night.

Amy Millan, MD, said her daughter, Zoe Purdy, was home alone when the tornado hit their Toramaha Street property at about 10:30 p.m.

Milan returned home shortly after to see the power lines that were exploding.

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“I went running into the house and the power line was right here. Zooey went running out to me and I yelled ‘stay home.’ I had to yell at a cop because he was about to walk into the power line,” she said.

“We don’t have a home now. It’s upsetting. We were in emergency housing, and finally found a home. We spent a few months making it a home and now this is it. I’m glad it’s safe.”

“She was freaking out inside. She had to lock herself in her bedroom because there was water all over the floor and the power lines were down.”

Joan Naish/Staff

Zoe Purdy thought an earthquake was hitting her home on Turumaha Street in Greymouth, when it was actually a mini-tornado tearing tin from the roof.

Purdy said, “I thought it was an earthquake. I didn’t look outside. I called my dad, and he thought it was an earthquake too, and then my mom came home, and she told me there was a power pole down there, so I thought I wasn’t moving.”

Milan said the tornado came over the railroad and through their home. “Our roof was wrapped around this power pole,” she said.

The tornado then moved toward Tainoy Street, where it picked up debris from a recently burned building.

Debris strewn across the road and was blown through the windows of a motorcycle shop by the wind.

Greymouth RSA Principal Fiona Scott said the roof had been partially lifted on the RSA Hall and debris from the fire-damaged building had fallen onto the bowling green.

Joan Naish/Staff

Greymouth RSA lost part of its roof after a hurricane on Monday, and the hurricane is believed to have cut 300 metres.

Cars at Greenfields Motors, located two blocks from Turamaha Street, were damaged by flying debris.

“A dozen or more cars with small scratches or broken windows. Just what you need. Right now we don’t have power because the hurricane broke a power pole. They’re out there fixing it now,” manager Ross Brawn said.

Greymouth Fire Chief Lee Swinburne said: “We were called at about 11.15pm to a house on Toramaha Street where a tornado had blown its roof off. This roof had moved eastward about 100 metres, causing damage to commercial property on Tainoy Street.” He said.

He said the tornado came from Blacktown Lake, over the railroad yards, cleared the roof on Toramaha Street and then traveled to Tainoy Street before dissipating.

He estimated that he had traveled up to 300 meters in total. There were no injuries and no damage was reported in other areas. “There were short, sharp flashes for a while until 8 am,” he said.

Asked to confirm whether a tornado was in fact recorded in Greymouth overnight, MetService said its evidence was “inconclusive,” but was “probable.”

“It’s hard to say for sure if it was a hurricane, but there are indications it could have been,” said a Metservice meteorologist.




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