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Nairobi earthquake? Kenyans report experiencing tremors at 10:27 p.m

Nairobi earthquake?  Kenyans report experiencing tremors at 10:27 p.m


Kenyans reported on social media that they experienced large ground movements around 10:27pm and shared their experiences and there was a discussion whether what happened in parts of Nairobi, Kikuyu and Muranga as shared by Kenyans was an earthquake in Kenya or was the earthquake some Kenyans linked with joy Between the eerie feeling of religious events in Chakula, Malindi in the Kilifi districts where more than 100 bodies have been exhumed mysteriously buried.

A section of Kenyans in Nairobi in Nairobi reported that they felt tremors at around 10:27pm EDT on Friday, April 28th.

I felt nairobi earthquake or tremors

Curious Kenyans who experienced the bizarre and startling movements took to social media platforms to find out from their compatriots if they had experienced something like this and clearly suspected that they weren’t disappointed or stuck with something.

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At 10:52 p.m., Volcano Discovery, which provides near-real-time updates on earthquakes, received 166 reports from individuals across Nairobi and Thika indicating they felt a tremor around 10:27 p.m.

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According to Chile Alerta, an app that provides near-real-time updates on recent earthquakes, tsunamis, and meteorological bulletins showing the magnitude of the event, date of occurrence, and time in Chile, there was an earthquake warning for Nairobi.

The app includes this information in a map view to help users know the exact location of their occurrence.

“Earthquake warning. Earthquake in Kenya – Nairobi,” Chile Alerta tweeted.

The magnitude of the quake was not immediately determined, with some people saying the movements were an aftershock of an earthquake that occurred in Manila, Philippines earlier.

The strongest earthquake occurred in Kenya

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Earthquakes are not uncommon in Nairobi and Kenya in general.

According to Volcano Discovery, the most powerful earthquake to have occurred in Kenya in the 20th century occurred on Friday, January 6, 1928.

The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0 and occurred 21 km southeast of Cabarete in Baringo County at around 7:31 pm.

Since 1900 happened 95 years ago: an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 on the Richter scale – 21 km southeast of Cabarenet, Baringo, Kenya, on Friday January 6, 1928 at 19:31 GMT.

Earthquake in Kenya

The moderate earthquake got Kenyans talking and sharing experiences, some of which were first encounters with seismic earth movements.

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Some Kenyans recounted the dull and nerve-wracking experiences they had during the few seconds they experienced the tremor while others mocked the event, linking it to issues of a cult taking place in Chakhola, Malindi in Kilifi District.

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There were no reports of damages following the tremors, which were reported by many Kenyans, mostly from Nairobi county.

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