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Divers encounter enormous “doomsday fish” full of shark stings

Divers encounter enormous “doomsday fish” full of shark stings


Hole diver.

Ever dance with a “harbinger of doom”?

Divers off Taiwan were dazzled after encountering a giant paddlefish – rumored to be a sign of impending earthquakes – that had mysterious holes in its body, as seen in a video making waves on Instagram.

In the enchanting footage, taken off the coast of Ruifang, divers can be seen encircling the shiny silver creature as it hovers near the surface.

At some point, one of the divers reached out and touched the alleged resident of the depths.

Divers have estimated the “quakefish” to be about 6 1/2 feet long, which, while large, is nothing compared to its maximum size of 56 feet—the longest of any bony fish.

Unfortunately, the paddlefish’s journey in shallow water, while cool to see, probably doesn’t bode well for the beast.

“It must have been dying, so it swam in the shallow water,” diving instructor Wang Qingru told Jamal Press about the serpentine sea monster that was the first animal he encountered in all his years of scuba diving.

Divers got fascinated off Taiwan after encountering a giant paddlefish – which is rumored to be a sign of impending earthquakes – that had mysterious holes in its body, as seen in a video making waves on Instagram. Jam Press / @chengruwang “It must have been,” he said. Diving instructor Wang Qingru. Jam Press / @chengruwang

The creature also had mysterious pits across its body, which experts believe were the work of a cooking shark. This fun-sized predator, known to take out chunks of large fish, cetaceans, and even nuclear submarines—though the latter is more likely a case of mistaken identity.

The paddlefish’s trip may also be a bad omen for us, since some locals believe that these denizens – who reside between 656 and 3,200 feet below the ocean’s surface – are a sign of an earthquake on the horizon.

This seismic myth is based on Japanese mythology, which states that a slender plankton-eater will deliberately rise to the surface and run ashore before an imminent tremor.

Those fears escalated during the 2011 Fukushima earthquake and tsunami, where dozens of so-called seismographs washed ashore in the two years leading up to the disaster.

However, experts claim that this earthquake prediction theory has no basis in reality.

“There is no scientific evidence of a relationship, so I don’t think people need to be concerned,” said Hiroyuki Motomura, a professor of ichthyology at Kagoshima University. “I think these fish tend to come to the surface when their physical condition is poor, and they rise on the currents, which is why they are often dead when they are found.”




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