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MultCo decides what earthquake-ready Burnside Bridge project will look like

MultCo decides what earthquake-ready Burnside Bridge project will look like


Construction to replace the iconic bridge could begin as early as 2027

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The earthquake-ready Burnside Bridge project in Multnomah County is moving to its next phase after receiving federal approval on Friday.

After reviewing the project's environmental impact statement, the Federal Highway Administration gave its approval — marking the end of the project's environmental review phase — which began in 2019 — and the start of the design phase.

The project comes as vehicle bridges crossing the Willamette River will not be immediately usable after a major earthquake, according to Multnomah County.

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“This is an important step for the project as we move into the design phase,” said Megan Neal, Multnomah County Design Phase Project Manager. “We are excited for what is to come this year as we ask for community input on important design decisions that will impact the future of the bridge.”

During the design phase, the project team will work with several groups, including engineers, architects, and other agencies to consider aesthetic plans, structural components, costs, and long-term maintenance needs.

The team will also work with the Community Design Advisory Group — which is made up of community members — to provide input on structure and railing types, concrete finishes, and lighting.

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In addition, officials will announce opportunities for community input into the bridge's design.

After design plans are complete, the project could move into the construction phase, which could begin as early as 2027, Multnomah County says.

The project aims to replace the Burnside Bridge with a bridge capable of withstanding a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake – which is expected to hit the region every 300-500 years.

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January 26, 2024 marked the 324th anniversary of the recent Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake – a massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake that extended from Northern California to British Columbia.

As pressure builds between the Juan de Fuca Plate and the North American Plate, the Oregon Office of Emergency Management says there is a 37% chance of a strong earthquake occurring in the Cascadia Subduction Zone within the next 50 years.

“With Oregon's current preparedness levels, we can expect to be without services and assistance for at least two weeks, if not longer, when a Cascadia area earthquake occurs,” the office warns.

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In an interview with KOIN 6 News in January, Diego Melgar — director of the Cascadia Earthquake Science Center at the University of Oregon — explained the importance of improving infrastructure ahead of the next Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake.

“I like to tell people that it can be scary to think about what this big event is going to look like, and I want people to focus less on that because it's scary. I'm not disputing that. But there's a lot we can do to prepare. If we make our buildings compliant With the rules, if we strengthen our bridges, if we move our schools out of tsunami flood areas, even if that happens, while that moment when that happens will be scary, if we have adequately prepared, we should do well, Melgar said. .

He added: “I will remind people that in Japan, in 2011, they had a magnitude 9 earthquake, and there were very, very few buildings that collapsed. We know how to build buildings that can withstand earthquakes. It's just up to us to get it done.”




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