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Prime Minister Kishida Fumio's speech at the 2024 Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Ceremony (Prime Minister's Speeches and Statements)

Prime Minister Kishida Fumio's speech at the 2024 Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Ceremony (Prime Minister's Speeches and Statements)


Here today, I humbly deliver my commemorative speech on behalf of the government at the 2024 Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Ceremony.

It has now been thirteen years since the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Here in Fukushima, among other places, many irreplaceable lives were lost, and some people are still missing today. The massive earthquake and tsunami, as well as the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Corporation's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, deprived many residents of Fukushima Prefecture of their daily lives.

My heart aches with sympathy and overflows with sadness and condolences for those who have lost their beloved family members, relatives and friends. Today, I once again extend to you my deepest and most sincere condolences.

In addition, due to the nuclear accident, many people are forced to live their lives as immigrants until now. I once again express my deepest sympathy to all those affected by the disaster, including those who cannot return to their hometowns.

In the thirteen years following the devastation caused by the earthquake, the reconstruction process has made steady progress in the areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami.

Even in areas affected by the nuclear disaster of Fukushima, in areas where evacuation orders have been lifted, progress is being made in improving the living environment, revitalizing and supporting industries and renewing livelihoods. Also in areas difficult to return to, evacuation orders for all identified reconstruction and revitalization bases were lifted by last November. In addition, based on the designated living area system for returnees established during the current fiscal year, reconstruction efforts are progressing steadily, such as the approval of reconstruction and revitalization plans for designated living areas for returnees in the cities of Okuma, Futaba, Nami, and Tomioka by last February.

Needless to say, this is the result of the tireless efforts and support provided by local residents as well as all those affiliated with relevant agencies and organizations, including Fukushima Prefecture and its municipalities.

Medium to long-term support will be crucial for post-nuclear disaster reconstruction. The government will continue to stand at the forefront and move forward with the safe and steady decommissioning of Tokyo Electric Power Corporation's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, on which the reconstruction process is based, with the help of improving the living environment and restoring and supporting industries. and livelihoods to accelerate population return. The Fukushima Research, Education and Innovation Institute (F-REI), which aims to be a base for creative rebuilding, was established last April and is now moving steadily towards achieving this goal. We will continue to make every effort to realize the large-scale reconstruction and revitalization of Fukushima and the reconstruction of the Tohoku region.

Although our nation has witnessed countless disasters that could be called national crises, by working together, we have succeeded in overcoming each one of them. In response to the Noto Peninsula earthquake that struck Japan in January this year, people here in Fukushima also offered their warmly encouraging support, based on their experiences and knowledge gained from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

We have learned invaluable lessons in the face of the huge costs imposed by the earthquake. I strongly pledge once again that the Government, never allowing those lessons to fade, will move forward to create a highly disaster-resilient nation, and build on those lessons in our response to natural disasters, including the Noto Peninsula earthquake.

I would like to conclude by offering sincere and sincere prayers that the souls of all those who died may rest in eternal peace, and that peace and tranquility may be granted to all the bereaved families.




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