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National City had an earthquake plan but not a flood plan

National City had an earthquake plan but not a flood plan


On January 26, tenants of the badly damaged Highland View Apartments were told that repairs would take months.

The province's 60-day ban on evictions and rent increases following January's historic floods expires this month, while uncertainty remains.

National City officials voted 3-2 last week to continue relying on existing county law, rather than creating protections for local renters that could include provisions such as relocation assistance and the right to return after repairs.

“It's clear that the county moratorium is going to expire at the end of the month,” said Councilman Jose Rodriguez, who urged the city to act now, given the low apartment vacancy rate.

Other council members wanted to delay the emergency ordinance, saying the city needs more information about what landlords need to rebuild, how long repairs will take, and whether the county might extend the moratorium.

“We can always call a special meeting and issue an urgent order,” Mayor Ron Morrison said.

According to City Attorney Barry Schultz, the county law does not address whether tenants must pay rent while not in their units or if they have the right to return without a rent increase. However, displaced tenants have been advised to continue paying rent to retain their tenancies.

The industry trade group, the California Apartment Association, has opposed any new law to protect renters in National City — just as it did when the county imposed its ban on evictions and rent hikes for the hardest-hit neighborhoods.

Property owners should not have to pay for transportation costs and temporary benefits after a disaster, spokeswoman Melanie Woods said. “The vast majority of renters qualify for emergency assistance. They do not need relocation assistance to find stable housing while their units are repaired.”

She added that landlords make major and unexpected repairs, often without collecting rent. The group also objects to delaying rent increases, which usually occurs when new lease contracts are signed. She said preventing this would only delay the signing of new leases.

“They will hold back until they can increase it to the required amount. Tenants will be placed on month-to-month leases until the rent cap is raised. This short-term cap could actually lead to less housing stock,” she said. stability.”

So far, the county's emergency measure has provided temporary housing for 770 families, according to Carlos Aguirre, the city's housing director. Both the state and national city declared states of emergency, which helped bring funding to those who were flooded and evacuated from their homes.

After six weeks, most of those families have been helped, Aguirre said. But in a city where, according to Mayor Ron Morrison, there are almost no vacancies — the end of the moratorium may not be a smooth landing for everyone.

The city has now twice shied away from enacting an emergency rent protection ordinance that would help renters if, for example, apartment remodeling led to a spike in rents.

According to the city attorney, no evictions took place. Not that this was always evident with the disaster striking on January 22nd.

“Nearly 200 residential units were completely flooded, many of them rented,” Rodriguez said. The next day, as city crews assessed the damage, they realized that a group of mobile homes and apartments next to the Division Street and 7th Street Canal were severely flooded. Apartment managers in the area said everything is fine and the tenants will be taken care of.

“Then what happened was people were in the shade for two days.” Twenty-four families received a two-day voucher, then were not contacted at all. When it finally happened, on Jan. 26, tenants of the hard-hit Highland View apartments were told that repairs would take months, and they would have to look for new homes.

They got checks for two months' rent. The province had not yet acted, and amid the confusion, dozens of families were facing eviction.

Mayor Morrison agreed that “there was really no plan.” He said the city has a seismic plan. “But in this case, there was no real plan for flooding in San Diego.”




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