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Taylor Swift fans in Los Angeles create earthquake-like tremors on 'Eras ​​Tour'

Taylor Swift fans in Los Angeles create earthquake-like tremors on 'Eras ​​Tour'


Taylor Swift's fans in Los Angeles caused earthquake-like tremors when they watched the singer perform live at SoFi Stadium last summer.

The “Midnights” pop star played six concerts at the massive Inglewood venue in August 2023 as part of the North American leg of her ongoing “Eras Tour.”

According to a new study conducted by researchers from Caltech and the University of California, the third night of Swift's stint at the stadium (August 5) saw signals from the show being recorded on seismic network stations about 5.6 miles away from SoFi, and on “strongly placed motion sensors.” “Near and inside the stadium” (via Los Angeles Times).

The report – titled “Shake to the Beat: Exploring Seismic Signals and Stadium Response to Concerts and Music Fans” – said researchers were able to identify the “seismic signature” of every piece of music played at a concert over three hours long.

Additionally, she found that the seismic activity was likely the result of the “dance and jumping movements” of Swift's Los Angeles audience, rather than the rhythms and echoes emanating from the venue's PA.

The researchers calculated the “radiant energy” of each song in terms of equal earthquake strength. A performance of Swift's 2014 single “Shake It Off” generated the “largest domestic volume of 0.851,” according to the study.

The singer's performance of “Love Story” also resulted in a notable range (0.800). Other tracks with high readings included “You Belong with Me” (0.849), “Cruel Summer” (0.741) and “22” (0.645).

“Keep in mind that this energy was released over the course of a few minutes compared to one second for an earthquake of this size,” Gabrielle Tipp, a seismologist at Caltech, who supervised the research, explained in the study.

“Based on the maximum strength of shaking, the strongest earthquake was equivalent to a magnitude 2 earthquake.”

Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, Tip said: “Concerts are known to emit these harmonic signals, and it wasn't always clear why. This was one of the things we were kind of interested in seeing if we could really pinpoint what was causing it.

“Jumping is very effective in creating these harmonic signals,” she told the outlet, adding, “The more people jump, the more energy goes into the body.” [the ground].

“I would definitely say for the stronger songs, you'll probably have a lot more people excited, a lot more people jumping around.”

Tip said she and her colleagues are interested in conducting more research on the stadium's response to seismic activity.

They've already been in contact with scientists who measured earthquake-level activity recorded at Swift's concerts in Seattle earlier in the tour. These dates produced tremors similar to a 2.3 magnitude earthquake, with one fan saying at the shows: “You can literally feel the ground shaking under your feet.”

“There's definitely more you can do” with this type of research, Tip explained.

Taylor Swift – “1989 (Taylor's Version)”. Credit: Beth Garabant

Earlier this month, Swift concluded a six-night concert series in Singapore following shows in Melbourne, Sydney and Tokyo.

She will resume her career-spanning 'Eras ​​Tour' in Europe next May before visiting the UK and Ireland the following month. Swift is scheduled to perform eight shows at London's Wembley Stadium this summer as part of the run, supported by Paramore.

Before heading back on the road, Swift will release her 11th studio album, The Tortured Poets Department, on April 19.

The pop star recently said that writing the upcoming record “has really been a lifeline for him [her]Adding: “Just the things I was going through and the things I was writing about.”

“It kind of reminded me why songwriting is the thing that keeps me going in my life, and I've never had an album where I needed to write songs more than I needed to on Tortured Poets,” she continued.

Meanwhile, Swift's new concert film The Eras Tour (Taylor's Version) arrived on Disney+ last week — check out the full lineup for the film here.




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